Photo Copyright: Maggie May
I have been thinking about New Years Resolutions.
It was so easy last year to make one. I decided I would write an entry in my diary (by hand) every day and I was able to keep to it all through the year. I don't mean just a few lines, either, but a full page. I have got used to doing this now and I am naturally going to continue with it.
No, this time, I have to chose something more difficult.
I am fed up with my weight. I'm not grossly overweight but a stone or two would make a big difference! (That does sound grossly overweight, doesn't it?)
As well as vowing to lose weight, I am going to try and go for a brisk walk every day. This might mean that I have to go out early morning or early evening. I don't care. I will have to try to fit in the time to do it.
It would be very easy to blame chemotherapy for the start of my weight gain. I did get cravings for certain foods and I have continued with this way beyond the end of the treatment. So now I have nothing and no one to blame except myself.
I have made it public now so I have to get on with it!
What New Years Resolutions have you made?
Maggie - I can attest that the walking really does help to lose weight. Maybe not a whole lot, but at least some and probably a lot of that depends on how frequently and how far you walk to I would guess. I began walking Sammy, our dog, back in December of 2009, if you recall, and I was pretty faithful about doing that through the end of July of 2010. (Haven't been all that good with the walking since the surgery or what with the subsequent chemo either) But anyway, by the end of July I had lost around 12-15 pounds or so. Since then, with the chemo and the bad affects it had on my mouth (ulcers, plus loss of taste too) I have lost even more weight and now, I can say I lost 36 pounds from December of 2009 through to January of 2011. And I owe the beginning success to the walking! Good luck with your plan and since I know you enjoy walking and do it a good bit, I'm sure you'll also stay on track with it much better than I have!
Good luck sweet Maggie, I have joined weight watchers, this is my first week but it hasn't been too bad.
I am going to practice more discipline in my life. Will do me good......:-)Hugs
I lost a stone and a half by walking for around 40 mins everyday for a year and I've pretty much kept it off to by continuing to do that. Very best of luck to you. x
A stone or two? That's great!! I've decided I'm doing the same thing. I would jump for joy to lose five pounds, seriously. The thing is, I'm not grossly overweight either, but I sit all day long and in the afternoon I'm exhausted. I've heard a quick walk is a great pick-me-up. I figure with a book on tape, it will at least be entertaining.
Best of luck!!
Good luck. Looks like we've all got some work to do then.
I like your resolutions from last year. Congratulations on sticking with it!
Good luck with the resolution for this year. I am working on the same goal. (I have named my weight loss endeavor a goal, so I won't have to give up on a resolution.) I think the walking helps a lot. My husband and I try to walk most days. It helps with weight loss and mental clarity.
Easy thing for me to do, Maggie, should I decide that I'm bored with my baggy outfits-I would simply ban all sweets from the bowl on the table in front of me. It is constantly uploaded with chewy lollies, Werther's originals,chewing gum,and those golden wrapped chocolates loved by the ancient gods.
Good luck, but no resolutions from me. XX
I really love to go for walks and think it is about the easiest way to get in or stay in shape. And I always feel better after I've walked. In fact, I'm champing at the bit to be able to start again in a couple of weeks.
Congratulations on making a resolution last year that became a habit. That is awesome.
I am grossly overweight. I have nothing to blame.
Thank you for wishing my Kaish a happy Birthday. He has had so much fun looking at them : )
Maggie.... I smile! Making it public, eh. Sigh. I need to lose weight...and we don't use stones as our unit of measurement...but I need to lose boulders! (We don't use those either, but you get the idea.)
What a great resolution from last year. I'm impressed!!! And what a treasure that journal must be to you.
Best wishes on your resolution.
I haven't made one. This is the first year that I haven't. So, I guess my resolution is to not make any more New Year's resolutions.
Love to you,
I tend not to make NY resolutions Maggie because they usually fail. However I do try to make resolutions throughout the year and stick with them. But I too need to be out walking much more. I've been far too lazy recently...and I can feel the weight creeping up!
Good luck!
This was one of my resolutions too. I attend Slimming World, have done so since September. Only gained 2.5lb in the time and that was over Christmas. Back on track now.
Good Luck
Like you I published my resolutions (http://akelamalu.blogspot.com/2011/01/resolute.html)
which will make me more determined now I've told everyone. ;)
Good luck with the weight loss, it's not easy I know but it will be worth it Maggie. :)
Hello Maggie -
Walking is good isn't it? Whatever the result weight-wise the walking and seeing the world slowly will be nice I think.
My resolution is to stop worrying and overthinking and get on with each new day. Cheerfully.
Smiles X
Good for you! Whatever you do, make sure it is something you enjoy.
As for me, no resolutions at all. But I am on a first-of-th-year tidying spree.
ugh. i resolve to live my life day by day. not worrying about the future or letting the past control me...
You are doing such a good job taking care of yourself. You are an inspiration to me. I exercise for a long time and then I stop for a couple weeks and then start again. Right now I am waiting for hand weights to arrive that I ordered. If you can do it, I can too. I will set a goal of two stone this year.
To Budget and plan. :o
<3, New Follower
You are among us. That is the main thing! Eat, drink, and be merry!
Taking a good brisk walk is a very good resolution. Going out every day in the fresh air is so good for a body. You will get rosy cheeks. Good luck!
I think going for a daily walk is such a good idea. Not only does it help the weight, but also helps the mindset, breathing fresh air into the lungs and seeing things around you that you wouldn't see if you just sat indoors all day.
I haven't really made any resolutions this year, but I do aim to become stronger mentally.
CJ xx
First of all, good for you for keeping with your writing every day! I used to keep a journal, but I got away from it for some reason, and now I can't seem to get back into the habit. Losing weight and exercising is on my resolution list, too. I think after a certain age the pounds just creep up on you every year.
Maggie, you inspire me again. I never make New Year resolutions because as soon as I miss a day of whatever it is I beat myself up and feel a failure.
This year, I am not calling it a resolution but I am determined to eat my yogurt every morning and an apple every night. I figure it is not much but small habits can lead to bigger habits.
I have the feeling that you are going to do a really good job in setting your mind to accomplishing your desires.
Oh, you are so brave to announce your resolution like this!!! Wow!! I'm so impressed with your courage...for this and so many other reasons!!! And that photo?!!! So gorgeous!!! A real WOW!!! Just had to come by to see what you are up to...and to send you my love~Janine xoxo
It's always good to work towards personal goals. Your journaling is like Morning Pages, a technique recommended by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way. It starts you off on your way to becoming a writer (if that's what you want). If not,then do it for pure pleasure. Good for you!
Walking helps me keep my weight in check too. Really. You do have to commit and it sounds like you're starting off on the right foot.
You go girl!
Oh, for my resolution? I am going with the word "confidence" this year. That's it.
Hi Maggie ~ I am impressed that you kept up your journal/diary writing. Such a healthy exercise for your soul! I am not sure what a stone weighs but I need to lose a small boulder ! My resolution is to be mindful of each moment and appreciate each day ! Happy walking !
A very happy and healthy new year to you Maggie. Great idea to make your resolution public - good luck. I need to lose some weight too so may follow suit! A x
Well darn. I read this just as I finished off a piece of dark chocolate. I think your chances at succeeding are way better than mine. Best of luck to you, Maggie. I know you can do it.
Sometimes I think I shouldn't be too hard on myself...and that I should HAVE a new years resolution!
A diary! I've always been fascinated by diaries, journals, memoirs, biographies...
Happy New Year, Maggie May!
You know Maggie, I have made not a one, because I always break them by the middle of the month. But I'm making a late entry resolution and that is to cheer you on with your self improvement because it's one that I know will be a success...I can see you now, walking up the high street at a brisk trot or strolling down the lane window shopping for the new clothes you're going to need! Keep us posted on your progress
A good resolution. While we were waiting for our new house to be ready I had to walk with dog every day, some times two and three times; and I lost weight during that time, but it was soooo cold and miserable that as soon as the new house was finished and the fences repaired, I went back to just letting dog go out on her own. Perhaps when all the snow disappears...
Hi Marg
I have a little something for you to collect LOL
Great New Year's resolution and I really do think I should do the same . . . . problem is I love my food and always eat the wrong things in too large amounts. I would like to lose 2 stones (28lb) although I should really lose 56lb LOL
Don't be too hard on yourself Maggie.
PS. I have not made any as I know my will power is not as strong as yours :-)
Walking is not only good for the body, but also for the soul! Even if it's raining or cold, once you're out there, enjoying the sights of nature, you can't but help feeling a little uplifted!
I didn't make any resolution at all. I do know I need to lose weight, though, and I'll try to be a bit more careful with what I eat!!! I should also try to walk. I saw my orthopedist yesterday and he x-rayed both shoulders and knees because of my increasing pain. After looking at the films, he said, "On a scale of 1 - 10, with 10 being the worst case of arthritis I'e seen, you're a six - in both shoulders and knees". He says I wil need joint replacement surgery, ultimately. So, it will be easier for me if I take off some weight.
Hello Maggie! I love walking - it clears my head and somehow soothes my soul. (Depending where I am walking to, of course!) Your resolutions sound fine ones to me - good luck!
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