Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Too bad it's wordless, Maggie. I would have liked to hear what you would have to say about this.

Mean Mom said...

They must have fallen off a very large tree.

Wherever was that picture taken?

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I'm speechless!

A x

larkswing said...

What a fun way to decorate a fountain! I like it!

Suburbia said...

Maggie, they'll be after you for using that camera again!!! Did you have it tucked away when you took this one! Still they couldn't complain could's only a load of balls (sorry couldn't resist!!)

Expat mum said...

OOh, how pretty. Don't think they would fit into my living room. You'll have to tell us where they are tomorrow when you
re allowed to.

® ♫ The Brit ♪ ® said...

I've never seen balls that big! :0

Maggie May said...

Yes....... Everyone ...... it is the forbidden shopping precinct that we can't name for the sake of security! I took lots of photos but didn't think this one would matter as it is out in the open! LOL!
I still have more...... watch this space!

Hilary said...

Very ballsy! ;)

Dusty Spider said...

Good Heavens! Is it nearly Christmas? Flick x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Award for you over at my place (super photo)!

cheshire wife said...

Somewhere, there is an angry giant who has lost the baubles off his Christmas tree!

Omykiss said...

Isn't it interesting how changes of scale make common things much more interesting?restr Well spotted!

Irina said...


RiverPoet said...

Wow! Tis the season, eh?

Peace - D

Lavinia said...

Oh my, I've never seen anything like that. How colourful and what a reminder that its beginning to look a lot know....Christmas!

Jules~ said...

That is a really cool shot. I imagine this is a seasonal type of city decoration that gets put up this time of year. Is there something else on display here for the rest of the year?

Anonymous said...

I think The Brit should be named for the best comment on this!!

CJ xx

Maggie May said...

Irene...... I was staggered when I saw it.

Mean Mom..... a very big tree!

Stawberry Jam Anne...... so am I!

Imerie..... 1st time I saw a decorated fountain!

Suburbia....... No I took this one quite openly!

Expat.... might be in big trouble if I told you!

The Brit........ NO?

Hilary ...Yes....

Dusty Spider..... fraid so.....

Thanks.... Hadriana.

Cheshire Wife........ spect he's still looking for them.

Omykiss....... the pigeon made the baubles look really big.

Irina........ Truly.

River poet..... just about!

Lavinia....... I'd never seen anything like it before either.

Jules..... just a fountain normally I should think.