Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
This photo is very poignant for me and as you know, I don't normally put photos of family faces on my blog, even darkened faces.
It is the time of the year that makes me think of my Mother. She died almost to the day, in the year 2001 and most of us were able to get to the funeral, even though we were all scattered about the country and in my son's case the other side of the world.
However it was several years later when we all got together on one of Sam's visits from Japan that also coincided with Deb's visit from the east coast, following a family event, that we all decided to go to visit my mother and father's grave.
Sam and Kaiko, with Amber and Millie, Deb and Rick and Dean, my brother and wife and their daughter and son, stood by the gravestone for a while. We explained to the grand daughters and grandsons about my mother and father and some of the things they had done in their lives. We explained how we were all related. Amber and Millie had not been born in time for my mother to see them and my father had not seen any of the four grandchildren.
Some of us decided to link arms, and stand in this circle, and Sam crouched in the middle with the camera. Some said a prayer or two and some just needed to do the huddle without.
I am in the bottom right hand corner and going anti clockwise is my daughter, husband, niece, sister in law, brother and nephew.
It made us all feel we belonged and seemed to bring the family closer together, for that day, at least!
It's a sad fact that so many families live far apart, nowadays. It makes us really appreciate the occasions when we can get together.
Sorry about your mother, Maggie.
I like the photo. A good memory of the occasion and a reminder of your support for each other.
What an interesting perspective with that photo. It looks very poignant - allowing everyone their private thoughts while capturing the moment.
It is a very special photo, it really captures the closeness. I'm so very sorry about your mother. ((((HUGS)))
A beautiful photograph to be treasured x
Mothers - the best inventions ever and then nature robs us of them. Great photo and I hope your heart isn't too sad because sometimes it's okay and other times it's the hardest thing in the world - to miss a parent. Peaceful day.
Mothers are precious and what a nice and unique way your family bonds.
Wonderful shot with a wonderful memory.
It is sad that families can only seem to get together for a death, but at the same time, that is when everyone needs to lean on each other, I guess. But I'm glad you were able to get together for another family event too.
A very good story to explain the photograph for such a poignant reason to have you all together. At least you were all together, that was a very special occasion and doesn't happen very often, whatever the reason. There is not a photograph of my sisters and I with our offspring at all. That just made me realize that. I doubt we will all get together to get it done. It would be very special, though. There are so few of us and time is so precious.
A very sentimental photo!
lovely photo and memory
Very unusual photo. I hope that this time of year is not too painful for you.
You have a very special momentum here, Maggie. Thank you for sharing it with us. Lovely memories for you.
CJ xx
That is a beautiful photograph, capturing a beautiful moment. I'm so sorry about your mother, I'm sure you miss her alot - still and always.
A fantastic photo. So sorry about your mum.
Hugs from
Suburbia x
Hi Maggie,
These times of year are always the hardest... sometimes we think we are strong but then we feel so fragile.
Lovely photo and a wonderful idea with you all being together! It's so important to keep our loved ones memories alive by telling everyone who was too young to remember (or who wasn't born yet) all about them!
And I can totally relate to what you said about the fact that most families live so far away...
here I am in Brazil and my Father and Sister are there in the U.K. and it seems that the only times I get to see them is when I need to go home for a funeral...
I 've had 3 visits back home over the years: first time for Mum's funeral, second time for my Nan's funeral and the third time for my Grandad's funeral :(
My family is getting smaller and smaller and I hope I can afford to travel back one day without the need for a very sad occasion but to enjoy visiting my Father and Sister, who has just given birth to a baby girl - I'm an Uncle for the first time in my life! a far away Uncle...
Big Hug for you Maggie!
Donnie X
What a fantastic way to honour your parents - the past and the present. (I understand and agree about not putting faces on photos.) What a wonderful, inspiring thing to do Maggie. Sometimes I think we do not speak about death and grieving enough. (Hope that makes sense!) Big hugs. Hxx
A lovely story and a wonderful photograph with so much meaning, not just for you and the members of your family in the shot but for future generations. I think we all love to look at old photos - just think of how it will be viewed in years to come. A fitting memorial for your mother as well. A x
That's a wonderful photo. You can feel the love.
There really is something about a circle that makes us feel stronger. I wonder why. I am glad your son thought to take a picture for you.
A few years ago two dear aunts and an uncle all died within a three-month span. I saw cousins and other relatives I hadn't seen in ages, but we all agreed it wasn't the way we had wanted to have a reunion.
Some losses we will never forget, especially that of a parent. But I am glad that you and your family had a chance to reunite and strengthen your family bonds.
I like the huddle... linking everyone together.
Very interesting photograph Maggie. We have a photograph of all the grandchildren taken from above laying in a circle on the floor feet facing the middle.
The photo was a good idea, it will not only bring back memories of your Mum but of all your family together, even if it was a sad occasion. x
Many thanks for all your kind comments.
It wasn't particularly an upsetting day....... it was the opposite, in fact.
Oh my gosh, that has to be the best PSF-- the photo is haunting and a tale on it's own, but with that story it becomes poignant and slides into your heart.
What a wonderful thing, to tell the children about their grandparents...I'm sure they were there, too, in that family circle urging you to tell just one more thing...wonderful post Maggie...congratulations on the Post of the Day mention!
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