Photo Copyright: Maggie May
My granddaughters were born in Japan and have memories of a life there before they came to England. They obviously love their Japanese grandparents and are in regular contact via Skype.
We were totally dismayed when we woke up on Friday to the terrible news that a mammoth earthquake, the largest ever to be recorded, had not only shaken Tokyo, but had caused a 30ft tsunami to devastate part of the city of Sendai on the north east coast of Japan.
My ex daughter in law, Kaiko has many relatives in Sendai.
We knew that the grandparents and Kaiko's sister were safe. They work in Tokyo but live in another city just south of it. They had managed to Skype that they were well but that they were very worried about all the outer members of the family, aunties, uncles and cousins.
As all the trains stopped in Tokyo and there was no transport of any kind, Kaiko's sister had to trek a long way to her home and this took several hours.
However, they were safe.
As my granddaughters watched the terrible scenes on TV, (they were everywhere and we really couldn't avoid seeing some of it), they were extremely worried about their grand parents but this morning they talked to them via Skype. Their minds have been put at rest.
As for the relatives in Sendai, the grandparents think they are alright because they shouldn't have been near the sea at that time. However, because there are no phone signals or electricity, there is no communication and there is also the worry about their welfare. Basic things like food and water, not to mention the problem with the power stations in the surrounding areas.
I know that there will be help going out to them from other countries and the Japanese are well able to help themselves as they have had many calamities and recovered from those, but it is a bit chilling for us to see all this in a land where we have family links and where I visited and had very happy memories not so long ago.
I guess Japan will always be a bit close to my heart.
I am so glad my immediate family are in England though.
I have seen the Consultant at the hospital that I attend and I am now waiting for a CT scan. However, they seem very pleased with me and think that I am not at all typical of most people with CUP (unknown primary) and that the terrible statistics of that diagnosis, should not be taken by me. They stressed that I am very unusual in my treatment and recovery and the way I am at present. I am not in pain at the moment and feel quite well.
I am in a good position, they say, so I have to be optimistic.
What's happened in Japan is just terrible and I feel for the people there. To actually know someone who lives there but be so worrying! I'm glad your grandchildren have managed to speak to their grandparents, it must have been a great relief.
So pleased to hear the doctors are optimistic for you Maggie. I have everything crossed for your CT scan. xx
i'm glad the family is alright and my heart goes out to the rest of the country...just terrible
I'm glad to hear the good news.
We are praying for more good news to come.
xoxoxo, clare
Goodness - how worrying. I'm glad most of the family in Japan seem to be safe. And listen to the doctors Maggie! x
My best friend's stepdaughter is in Japan - she too is OK but we are still worried. Dx
And now Japan is facing another crisis (explosion at nuke plant!).
That is a relief to hear that the family is ok.
Maggie May, I am happy to hear you are feeling well. Your strength is admirable!
I am sorry you have had so much worry Maggie, but glad that the grandparents are doing ok. What a relief. What an awful tragedy in Japan- I feel very sad. The world seems inundated with disaster at the moment.
I am very glad you feel well and that the docs are pleased with you. That is brilliant news. XX
Oh Maggie, I thought about your grandkids! No way to get messages out, with so much destruction and messages interference. Keep up good thoughts on all fronts.
Good news from the hospital. I knew you wouldn't be the usual type of patient!
A relief for you family, but still a terrible disaster for others. Is it me, or have there been more natural disasters than usual in the last few years?
Praying for you and yours.
God bless.
So glad to hear the girl's grands are okay. I been thinking of you often Maggie and you are in my prayers. May God grant you more good news. xoxo
You're welcome. I'm pleased to read about your family, I had a friend who was there very recently {like a lot of people} and it was a relief to think they come back when they did. I can imagine how you must feel. You're a very brave woman for a lot of reasons.
You must be very relieved to know tha the girls' grandparents are OK. I hope you hear about the rest of the family soon and that all is well with them. The news reports have been so devastating. Best thoughts.. think positive and I'm glad to hear you're feeling more optimistic about your upcoming scans.
Yes, Positive thoughts only. Such terrible news. Makes me think that the world is trying to shake off we tiresome folk who irritate her skin.
Welcome news from the doctors, thank you thank you.
I'm so glad your grandchildren have had their minds put at ease. It must be terrible - beyond the understanding of most of us - to have loved ones in a place that's hit with such a catastrophic natural disaster.
And now we worry about the nuclear plant. Those people sure have it tough right now. I guess we should count our blessings.
Such difficult times at the moment, a turbulent 3 months of 2011. I am so glad to hear that the doctors are optimistic. You have been and still are in my thoughts. x
You have been very much in my thoughts since I heard the news about Japan and I am really glad that the children's grandparents are safe and that they got to speak to them. It must be very hard for them (and you) to see the images that bombard us. It is hard for me and I have never been there. My fellow humans are in such terrible trouble. All I can do is pray and believe me, I am praying.
So glad to hear your other news that your health is improving. It is good to hear that you are "not typical"!!
Take care Maggie. C xxx
terrible happenings in Japan, it must be awful trying to live through that. I'm very glad that your granddaughters are in UK.
Maggie, I've been sending Reiki and angel healing, and am delighted to hear that the doctors have a positive outlook for you. Please try not to worry, tho i know this is very hard.
Early and good CT results are what I wish for you, dear friend. And thanks for the lovely, encouraging comment on my "juggling" post - reakky does make me feel loads better.
that should read really, not reakky, and I should read before i hit publish!!
So glad your grandchildren were able to speak with their other grandparents today. I find this all so sad, I can only imagine how you must feel with family and so many memories there. I am praying for them as well as you my friend. I am so happy you feel so well.
Sending big hugs.....:-)
Our thoughts are with the people of Japan. Glad that you are feeling well and the prognosis is optimistic.
I really hope that all relatives and everyone is safe in Japan. Having lived there for two and a half years, I share your concern, but for you and your family, it's even more acute. I hope everything is alright for you.
Glad that the doctors are being positive for you, Maggie x
I've been watching some of the news footage of the disaster in Japan, and it's overwhelming. My heart goes out to everyone there and to all who have relatives and friends in Japan right now. I'm so glad the girls' relatives are safe; it's times like these that you can really appreciate technology like Skype to communicate so much faster.
So glad to hear the doctors are so optimistic! That's good news indeed.
I am sure I commented here last night and now it is not showing! Blogger is strange.
Just to say you have been in my thoughts and prayers these last few days and I am so glad your grandchildren have had some reassurances. Also very pleased about your "untypical" progress!! Keep it up. Take care. xx
It is good the grandchildren were able to speak with their grandparents in Japan. It must be so devastating for the people in Japan trying to find each other and unable to get around.
Your health news is good. I wish you didn't ever have pain.
Yes, you do have to be optimistic and I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. You've done so well already.
How awful for those people in Japan; it's an horrendous situation and I'm so relieved that your family are safe.
CJ xx
Very relieved the grand parents are alright. Tokyo is tucked just round the corner fortunately.
What a dreadful disaster and it seems not over yet with expected after shocks and problems with the nuclear power stations (3 of them!!).
It is the biggest disaster in Japan since WW2. Let's hope and pray a vast number of people unaccounted for are found safe and well. Great problems with communications there.
Eddie X
ugh. no communication...i am sorry...prayers for them and all of those in japan right now...
I was thinking of you on Fridday. My brain has not been working. Even though I hear my son's voice on the phone I still worry. My husband wants my son out of Hawii but he loves there. Counsilin Soldiers is important to him also. As I think of Japan, I am thankful that people you know are doing OK
The news and photos from Japan are overwhelming. I pray for the people, and feel helpless.
It just reminds us what nature can do and without warning often
maybe its time to show her some respect
Although of course, I don't know your ex-daughter-in-law nor do I really know you either, come to think of it Maggie -not in the way we tend to think of "knowing" people, reading this post suddenly made me aware that I DO know someone after all whose life has been impacted by this terrible tragedy in Japan. I was very relieved to read that your grandchildren were able to talk to their grandparents, at least and that helped relieve some of the anxiety for them. How terrible it must be for those who can't locate loved ones though whether it be due to the distance involved from one continent to another, or from the lack of electricity, phones and transportation. The not knowing has to be terrible. The knowing though -for yourself -about the cancer -has to be a huge relief for you now I would imagine. I had a ct scan a week ago and haven't received a call as yet from the oncologist so I am assuming, at least for now, that all is well there! Cross your fingers with respect to all of these things!
I have been appalled watching the news unfold. I have no personal ties with Japan, but I've been unable to get the tragedy out of my mind. All those poor people ...
Thank goodness your girls' grandparents are OK, and (as far as they know) their family too.
I had forgotten that your granddaughters were half Japanese. How sad they must be with this terrible news and I am so glad that their grandparents and immediate relatives are safe. I have dear friends in that beautiful country, too, Maggie May, and have visited twice in the past five years. I was so impressed with how neat and tidy everything was, in spite of the incredible number of people in such a tiny country. I loved the attention to detail, the beauty given to preparing even a small meal, the kindness extended to me when I went for a week to three cities to teach about child forensic interviewing. I am so saddened by this tragedy and pray that these brave people suffer no further calamity and can begin the long proess of healing.
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