Photo Copyright: Maggie May
I had felt so ill over the last week.
My own GP had said that he was not going to give me any antibiotics because I had been on chemo and it would have a detrimental affect on my body. So I struggled on not knowing if it really was a virus or something more sinister. In fact I felt physically and mentally at an all time low.
Today was the day I was to go to the hospital on the hill, for the results of my recent CT scan.
I knew as soon as I got up that I was better. I put on some very colourful clothes, a bright bandana and some very large earrings and thought *To Hell with every one......... no matter what they tell me today, I know I feel fit now.*
Sam, my son, was going to meet me later on and hopefully go in with me when I saw the doctor.
I got a bus into town and ignored the hospital bus that went up the very steep hill and took me to the door. Instead, I walked up the hill and sat down on a wall half way up to recover a bit. I felt good again, doing this. Believe me, when I say it was a hill..... I am talking about steep....... very steep.
Sam got there in time to go in with me and we heard the good news, together that there had been no sign of any infected lymph or any sign of cancer on the scan.
So I was told to get on with my life and come back in three months. I was advised to work if I felt like it but to be prepared to be tired.
So after phoning relatives with the good news, I was eventually home and in jubilant mood.
I felt quite thirsty after my lunch so I thought I'd have a glass of water. I was standing over the sink when the glass slipped out of my hand and not knowing that it had already broken, I instinctively put my hand down into the sink to retrieve it.
Bad mistake.
I realised my little finger had jagged down on a sharp piece of glass. It bled a lot and I suspected it had gone in deeply.
My first aid training came into operation. I jammed wet wipes and kitchen roll onto the wound and applied pressure while holding my hand above my head.
Every now and then I went to pick up broken glass and wrapped the bits in newspaper and taped it together. Not an easy thing to do while trying to apply pressure and elevate.
Every now and then, I peeked at it and the blood was flowing freely. I guessed I would need stitches.
So I reluctantly had to call Sam and ask him if he could drop me off at the local hospital in the Minor Accident & Emergency Dept.
He could only drop me off as it was almost school pick up time.
I was beginning to feel a burden and a nuisance though Sam never gave me any cause to feel that I was.
After hours of waiting and an xray, it was revealed that I had managed to slice the end off the bone in my little finger (from inside,) and I had the finger stitched.
The worst part is, that I now have to take antibiotics, whether it has a detrimental affect on my body or not because of the serious risk of bone infection following chemo.
Do I just love hospitals, do you think? Or am I just clumsy?
I hate to think how I will have a shower tonight. I am thinking plastic bags and rubber band round wrist.
I am so annoyed to have put myself into this silly new risk after all I have been through and the contentment of the three months ahead, now being shortened again by incapacity.
What wonderful news!! After all that you've been through, I'm sure you can weather whatever the antibiotics do and it will be more important to take them than not. Don't berate yourself for the accident; these things happen, especially when we are off our guard. Rejoice in your all clear!
Fantastic news I am so happy for you
Hey accidents happen ,it could have been worse
Just think of that great news
I am thankful you had a clean report!
We will try to prevent what has already happened and make things worse--about 2 years ago I tried to prevent a handful of sharp knives from falling and sliced deeply into my little finger! I didn't think about what I was doing or I wouldn't have done it, and it was the same with you. You will be fine!
I'm jubilant too and so relieved that you are cancer free. Good for you! Now don't go and have anymore accidents in the home. That's quite enough of that. Enjoy your life. I'm so happy!
Hugs and kisses.
Great news Maggie - now take care of yourself and enjoy the summer :)
I am very happy about the good news! Sorry about your finger! Accidents do happen especially after all you have been through. Thank you again for letting us share your life!
Oh, Maggie...I'm cringing reading about your "accident"...and I will pray for a speedy healing, without complication!!! As for your other news...I'm doing a happy dance!!!! Thank God!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Will continue to pray for you, my dear friend! Love you, Janine XO
You're certainly keeping a few doctors and nurses in work at the moment!
Sorry about your finger but great news about your 'all clear'.
Oh Maggie, that sucks (about the hand)! I seemed to have some kind of breakdown or minor catastrophe almost every time after a major crisis went on in our house. After my husband was hositalized, told that his cancer had spread to his brain and finally released after a week (followed by a move two weeks later), I promptly burned my arm on the oven. A stupid mistake that I was so mad at myself at. I knew that it was due to me being so over-taxed mentally that I had no awareness of myself in relation to every day affairs. I hope that you don't have too bad a recovery there. Glad the cold is gone and very happy for you that you got clean scans! Yippee! Celebrate by raising a (plastic) glass in a cheers!!!
Maggie, when you telephoned us to tell us the result of your CT scan I jumped for joy (even with my new hip LOL). May God intervene and determine that it is a very very long remission indeed.
I was shocked to hear of the accident though - glass is very dangerous.
I have got the bug you had I think - coughing like a goodun I am and have the sniffles as well LOL Eddie x
So happy for you, all clear at last.
Shame about your finger, it's easily done. You must be sick of hospitals...
Good news!!!! But my stomach is in knots from the cut! Ohhhh. still, such very, very, good news, dear you!
Great news maggie.
You were clumsy with happiness, but really, the hospital will get by without you making excuses to visit.
Wonderful news Maggie, absolutely wonderful....sorry about your finger but hey you just kicked cancer's butt you will manage with a horribly cut finger and I do hope it heals quickly
So happy for you my friend....Hugs
This is wonderful news, Maggie! Well, not the finger, but of course that will heal with time. I'm so happy for you--I had a feeling, too, the news would be good.
Oh Maggie, things will take care of themselves. You had a small accident, nothing more. Enjoy your clean bill of health and go out and have all the fun you can.
Despite the not-so-good end to the day, I am REJOICING with you over your good news! Praise God!
What rotten luck, Maggie, but you must NOT lose sight of the really good news of the day! Your scan was negative!! While antibiotics are crap and you might not want to take them, they're a must right now...and your scan was negative.
I'm on Septra now myself...and have to have a echocardiogram and bilateral venous ultrasound of both legs June 4 - and a referral to a vascular surgeon for possible venous insufficiency. I keep getting cellulitis and edema in my lower legs! Getting old is tough.
Oh I am so, so happy to read this! Yes, the finger, a bind (excuse the pun) but nothing in comparision. Take pro-biotics, rest and your finger will mend soon because you are a trooper.
Excellent news! Definitely time to celebrate.
As for the finger - I broke so many things in the kitchen towrds the end of my chemo. I think it was the neuropathy and it eventually wore off not too long after the chemo finished.
And as for the antibiotics - you've had completely different advice to me. I was told to get antibiotics at the slightest hint of infection as my boy's immune system wasn't up to fighting it alone. I'm really not sure what your GP was thinking? I hadn't had antibiotics for years - and haven't had any in the year or so since my chemo - but I had two courses during chemo, mainly precautionary, and didn't get any serious infections.
Anyhow, sounds like it's all over now - onwards!
My word verification today is ranting. Quite appropriate I think.
I am so glad you received such wonderful news!! And then to have your mishap...what a shame. Sounds exactly like something that would happen to me. Be strong dear one and plastic bags work wonderfully.
Try not to worry too much about this complication to your recovery. You have such excellent news. You said it yourself.. you are fit. I'm so happy for you.
thrilled for you - forget the finger, and enjoy the next three months with abandon and joy XX
Wonderful news about your scan m'dear. :)
Isn't it just sod's law that you should have an accident like that? Keep your chin up I'm sure everything will be OK - I'll send you some Reiki. x
I love the idea of colorful clothes and listening to your body rather than doctors. Keep it up.
Oh congratulations on the good news. All those prayers are working then. My God, the story about your finger....yuk! I almost fainted when reading it. I am very squeamish. Oh Maggie, this is brilliant news for you. Long may it last. You needed a break and now you have it. Blessings to you dear lady.
I'm saying hurray for the wonderful news and I know that you recover completely from the cut! More careful in futuire, Mags!
Oh Maggie I am delighted to hear your news. You know of course that I don't pray, but I have kept you in my thoughts and my heart all this time...so it's sort of praying in a way.
What an unfortunate accident...I hope the antibiotics don't have a bad effect on you.
I'm so pleased for you
Lots of Love
Linda xx
Oh Maggie what a shame about the finger! But fantastic to hear about your great news and renewed joie de vivre. You're an example to us all.
That is quite a combination of medical news -progress, you know -that you posted today! Boy, what a way to celebrate the good news though with a trip to the Emergency Department. When my older daughter cut the top of her hand on a broken drinking glass while washing dishes -and ended up having 14 stitches (inside and out on the hand) I told her she just had a classic case of dishpan hands and now, it would appear you have the same! Hope it all heals properly and quickly too for you but it still doesn't overshadow the other good news about the absence of cancer!
Yay, Maggie! You rule!
OH!! I am SOOO happy about your news!! so happy!! and so frustrated for you on your behalf that you have YET another thing to go through!! sending quick healing prayers your way!!
Still dancing...and wishing you a wonderful weekend!!! Love you, Janine XO
Oh good news, I am delighted for you!
As to the accident, you were wise enough to know what to do and your son was so supportive!
Slow down a little and enjoy your brand new life!
Oh, I wish that hadn't happened. I am sorry about that accident that brought the antibiotic situation back round to haunt you. I am glad you got good news from the doctor, though. I hope that good news continues.
So sorry to hear about your finger and hope it heals quickly! But, I am estatic to hear the great news about your latest report! So happy for you! Blessings, Marguerite
Im smiling from ear to ear with your good news...... and then sad cos of your cut finger, dam woman lol
you are such an inspiration......
Oh Maggie May! That is just the worst! I can't even believe it. I think maybe God had some special reason he wanted you to go back to the hospital that day : ) He wanted you to be a blessing to someone else. I can tell that you are a blessing wherever you go.
I am so sorry that you cut your finger so badly Maggie but fantastic news that there is no sign of cancer and you do not have to go back for 3 months. Let us hope we have some lovely weather now that you can relax and enjoy. Take care. A x
What wonderful news about the scan. You must feel wonderfully encouraged about it in spite of the glass accident. I rejoice for and with you.
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