What depths have I sunk to....... posting pictures of our toilet on the net? I never imagined I would ever do such a thing.
The old seat was very unstable and moved about as we sat on it, though it was in good condition apart from that.
One afternoon, a couple of weeks ago, Harry arrived back from town with the new blue seat and started to replace the other one. He finished the job about five minutes before the girls were due to come back from school.
Sam called in to pick the girls up and saw the seat, adjusted it a bit and then went on to use it.
I went with him to pick the girls up from school, as it is good exercise for me, secretly thinking that I would try out the new toilet seat when I got back. How childish is that?
What happened? The girls saw the new seat and had to try it out. They spent time arguing about who would be first.
So it was well used by the time I got to it.
I think the design is meant to be a rain drop in a pool of water.
Don't you think it looks like a giant eye staring at you?
A bit off putting.
I can't believe what I did this week. On Saturday I received an appointment to go to the hospital to get the result of my recent CT scan. It was right on the time that the children would be needing to be picked up from school. I have cancelled it till the following week.
I decided that, as I was looking after the grandchildren all this week, that I didn't want to know. I can wait till next week what ever the news, good or bad........
I would never have been able to do that before. The suspense would have been too much for me. I wonder is that progress with my anti worrying techniques or is it negligence?
Maybe I am just expecting good news..........

I popped on over after reading a comment on MerryDaze blog.
I am sorry to hear your news - I hope all works out well for you. Big cyber hug. xx
Very cheerful posh toilet seat...
I think that you are re taking charge of your life and that can only be good
Love you new throne too lol xxxx
Gotta love a new toilet seat!! And I think you delayed because you are not worried. You are expecting good news and so am I!!
I think the seat looks like an eye too!
Loo seat looks and comfort are all important (and with my innards I surely know) - I recently bought a nice wooden loo seat. No more cold shocks on winter nights.
Your new seat looks brilliant!
Sending care and huggles, Michelle and that snoring cat, xxx & zzzzzzzzz
Maggie it does look like an eye! I hope your results are good and I'm sure by you putting off hearing is just focusing on the kids. Fingers crossed for good results!
I love that you are feeling so positive, that can only be doing you good. :) Keep us posted.
It's a beautiful blue,
the seat on your loo,
but that BIG eye
IS looking at you!
LOL! :)
Lol, I keep telling Hubby he needs a new one in his bathroom--I think I might fall off it one day:)
I definitely think your cancelling your appointment means you're no longer worried and that the results will be good news. Definitely a positive sign!
I like your new toilet seat. That is exactly something like my husband would bring home. It is different and unexpected and brings a little, I don't know, wow, to the bathroom. Very cool.
I think putting off your results for a week, was your choice. It must have felt good to feel some sense of power, in this whole, awful process, where you were so powerless. A sense of empowerment is a good thing Maggie.
I'm praying that the results are good, really good. As always, keeping you so close to my heart.
i'm a worrier too, so good for you for postponing the appointment...i love the seat BTW
Oh, Maggie. This was just the chuckle I needed today. Fantastic! A post about a toilet seat! :)
I'm believing all's well too for your CT scan. Sending thoughts of peace your way. x
Oh Maggie, you've got me laughing my sides off!
We're in the same boat(?) with our toilet seat, and hubby wants to get a new one, whereas I say new screws would do! maybe I've screw loose! I love the drop in the middle of the pool design, though I'd be worried about the effect if you saw that when you were "dying to go"!
I'm delighted about your "no worrying" technique, and do hope you get good news. Today on the radio, they were saying that 90% of what we worry about never happens.
This beautiful image of
the raindrop in a puddle of water.
I had a wooden toilet seat that finally split - thankfully, it was in my own bathroom downstairs that noone, but me, used. My son, Jeremy, nagged me mercilessly, however, that it indicated, I, sure as hell, needed to get on my treadmill more often. When I finally couldn't stand the pinching when my ample gluteus would get caught in the crack of the seat, on occasion, I finally bought a new one - a boring white.
When you finally do get in to the hospital, I hope your report is delightfully positive. I don't think a few days wait makes much difference, regardless.
The toilet seat -to me it's a bit strange looking and yet, really interesting at the same time.
As to the cancellation of your appointment, I'd say it's the power of very positive thinking at work on your part! Hope it is the good news I know you want to hear!
Love the blue toilet seat but with the light shining on it I thought someone had wee'd on it!! Somewhere to go when you feel blue LOL
I think you can afford to put off medics for a week. Love Eddie
Very cool toilet seat. I love designs that make ordinary household things look different, although Eddie's comment is funny too.
I think your inner voice is telling you that all is well and you can wait another week for the results. :)
Love the new toilet seat!
I'm thinking that they would have tried to encourage you to keep the appointment if it wasn't good news.
That's seat is hilarious. It does indeed look like an eye... with a tear drop. I can hear it singing a sad song...
"It's my potty and I'll cry if I want to..." ;)
I know what this feeling is: grab all the good things the day has! Even a new toilet seat can bring so much joy if you let it.
Enjoy the grands.
the new seat is rather mesmerising...kind makes me feel like i am going to fall in. smiles.
nice on waiting...good deal. praying for the best...
Neat seat!
Good for you for putting your Life first. The doctors can have their days tomorrow.
You are here now, and that is the main thing. Good for you. God bless.
It's a very nice toilet seat, I'm glad you posted it. It gives me ideas for one of my own.
I think you have learned not to worry too much and to get your priorities straight. This week is for the grandchildren. That much is clear. Next week you expect to get a good result, you have faith in that. That's good.
I'm proud of you. Enjoy the new seat and the children.
Hugs, XXX
It's a very nice toilet seat, I'm glad you posted it. It gives me ideas for one of my own.
I think you have learned not to worry too much and to get your priorities straight. This week is for the grandchildren. That much is clear. Next week you expect to get a good result, you have faith in that. That's good.
I'm proud of you. Enjoy the new seat and the children.
Hugs, XXX
Maggie I love the new seat, I just replaced mine and I bought a wooden one, it is very comfortable indeed.
I think you have just accepted your situation will be what it will be, thinking right now I am taking care of my grandchildren.....love it Maggie, keeping you and Harry in my heart and prayers........:-) Hugs
Unique post, Maggie...and I smiled when I saw the title. I thought, "Now here's a blog that will be fun to read!" ...and I wasn't disappointed. Hats off to Harry for the toilet seat that had the girls vying for who would be first to use it.
I think you feel comfortable in your results of your CT scan....positive thinking, my friend.
Maggie...I think the re-scheduling of the appointment is indicative of you taking control of your life again. I think it's a good sign.
Love the toilet seat!
Love that seat - very cheerful! As for putting off the results - I applaud your courage and will to live in the moment.
Gosh how brave, and I can understand your choice too, but not sure if I could be so self controlled.
Yes, once you mentioned it it does look like and eye. Off putting indeed!
Hope all is going well with looking after your lovely girls
Interesting seat, I'll say that. To me, it looks as though your toilet is constantly overflowing :-)
I'm praying for and EXPECTING good news...Love you so very, very much! And I must say, you are HILARIOUS! Posting the pic of the toilet seat...and what a seat!!! Oh. my. Too funny! Enjoy your week with the kiddos! Love you so much! Janine XO
Expecting good news is absolutely the right way to be. Stay positive.
Yes, the seat does look like a giant eye, not sure I could sit on it to be honest!! I bought an unusual one once and it didn't last long. There are some very strange designs on the market these days!!
CJ xx
we use to have a loo seat that had strands of barbed wire running through it, the minded nippers refused to sit on it so I had to change it for a boring one :) LOVE yours though..
thinking of you always, even though I aint been around..
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