Sunday 1 February 2009

Would You Let A Rat Get The Better Of You?

I'd like to take you through my back garden gate and give you a little tour of the way the garden is at present. You will not be pleased with what you see.

I recently posted about my kitchen problems and the fact that my son and husband were about to start excavating the foundations of the kitchen. There was slight subsidence and of course we have had an on going problem with rats getting into a small roof space above our kitchen where we cannot get to them.

An expert suggested underpinning. He thought there was a good chance of discovering a rat run. The expense was tremendous and my husband and son (both in the construction industry) suggested that they could do the work themselves at a fraction of the price. Do you remember that I was worried that they might kill each other, working together?
Well, so far they have both worked side by side really well. No arguments and peace throughout the whole property. I am very impressed. They have worked really hard.
So far they have almost finished underpinning the end of the kitchen. They have discovered the reason for the slight subsidence ( that has nothing to do with rodents) and have put that right.

However, I am disappointed that we haven't found an obvious point of entry yet for the pesky rats..... but there might be something just around the corner.....
I am definitely in the mood to get this thing sorted out. If it takes a new roof and digging up the kitchen floor, so be it.
Would you let a rat get the better of you?

This was a picture of the same little corner before the digging started. Sigh........


Anonymous said...

Well it's got to be done. A mouse I could just about tolerate, well I have of many occasions, but a rat...ugh!

You just let those fine fellers get on with the work while you plan your new beautiful kitchen.
Have you considered there might be bats, rather than rats in the roof?

aims said...

I'm with you Maggie! I won't let any kind of rodent get the best of me!

Wendy said...

I am glad your hubby and son are working side by side. Maybe this was meant to be - minus the rat, of course!

Rose said...

Oh, Maggie May, I am so sorry about your garden--I hope you were able to save some of your plants. Several years ago we had a new roof put on, and the roofers completely trampled a flowerbed; I was not happy!
But this is a job that must be done, and I know you'll be happy when it's all finished...that is, if the rats leave!

Mickle in NZ said...

Dear Maggie, just dream of the fun you'll have creating a new garden come Spring. And the end to the pesky rat problems.

There weren't any rats here in NZ until the pesky humans arrived!

Lindsay said...

I would be like a terrier worrying and worrying until the dratted
rat(s)were eliminated. There is a very good rat trap thing to buy which looks like a tunnel filled with deadly goodies which you can place near a rat run.

Mean Mom said...

Oh, dear. The weather probably isn't on your side, just at the moment. You are fortunate that you have 'men' who can do the job themselves. My husband wouldn't have a clue and we would probably have to put up with the rat. Then again, we do have our 3 cats.....

Never mind. Look forward to an interrupted, peaceful and relaxing summer. (I can hear you laughing from here, but, you never know your luck!)

cheshire wife said...

I hope that the underpinning is successful and you can get rid of the rats. Doing the work now causes the least disturbance to the garden and by summer time it will all be back to normal.

Irene said...

How frustrating it must be for you to put up with this mess and inconvenience. Do you close your eyes when you walk by?

You'll have some work to do in your garden when they are done there. I hope they find the point of entry. That rat must be outwitted.

Hang in there and tell your husband and your son that you are proud of them for doing such a fabulous job together.

Robin said...

I am sorry Maggie, but when rats invade it is an all out war. And in war there are casaulties, mainly your beautiful garden. Remember it is for the greater good.

Salute said...

Minus the rat, recoverly is close at hand as hubby and son work side by side.

Akelamalu said...

It's great that hubby and son are working well together! :)

I'm afraid I would have moved into a hotel until someone sorted the rats out. :0

Dr.John said...

Can't you get one of those sound things that drive the rats out? I see them advertised a lot.

Sam said...

Great photo of me mum!

The Mighty Sam

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

What peace of mind you'll have when that's done. Great they are working well together. We have found signes of a field mouse in the house - our old cat is just too old to cath it I think. I doubt I could handke a rat run so good luck.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

That sounds so good that they are working so well together. I pray you get rid of all the critters.

Casey's trio said...

WOW! What a huge job...I hope you find the stinkin' rats!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Oh well Maggie - at least the job is under way now and will be sorted and back to normal before spring. I can imagine how you feel though, I dislike that sort of disruption too. Glad to hear the menfolk are behaving themselves as well. A x

Deb said...

Hi ~ I would be standing on a chair or on the counter until those rats were all gone! Glad you are taking care of it. And you will have fun planning and planting a new garden!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely dreadful things. We have had a debate recently on Purple Coo site about a couple of members who have recently been plagued with rats.

We get them in the barns but the farmer shoots them. They carry so much disease you just can't take the risk.

CJ xx

Milla said...

yup, I'm the one on PC mentioned by CJ who's got a rat. Poison went down yesterday and not a moment too soon. they seem to be EVERYWHERE this winter, truly freaky. Good luck with yours!

the mother of this lot said...

Maggie - I'm back! And you're on about rats again. I think this is where I came in......

Jules~ said...

Nope I would not let a rat get the better of me. Those long spiney tails give me the shivers.

Sigh...I know it is hard to see everything dug up. I am so sorry but I do so commend you and your family for rolling up your sleeves to do the job.

Maggie May said...

Thanks everyone for your support.
I'm afraid that rat cages and ultra sonic sound devices wouldn't work as we cannot get into the small cavity to put them in. (Not until the roof is altered) Nor would cats and terriers help as the varmints are in a small space out of reach.

The garden will be righted eventually. I am more upset by the rats than anything else as I am not sure whether we will get rid of them.

Milla...... sorry to hear you have a rat /rats. Hope it isn't IN the house. Would be interested to hear how you get on.

Suburbia said...

Maybe the darn thing lives in that little house (in your last pic) and just pops in for a snack when the fancy takes him!!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Maggie - just dropped in to let you know there is an award for you at my blog. A x

Expat mum said...

Heck no. Lovely pots by the way.

Lavinia said...

No I would not let a rat get the better of me. Last year my ex had to remove the foundation of my back porch (a very messy job involving lots of rotted wood) and redo the whole thing with cement and all because mice were getting into the back porch and that was of course totally unaccpetable. Back breaking work and creates a huge mess, but its got to be done. I'm glad you're solving the problem and hope its a thing of the past very soon....