Photos copyright: Maggie May
After the terrible itchiness and skin rashes that I endured following the last few sessions of chemotherapy, I find my skin is still extra sensitive, so I have been wearing colourful bandanas rather than my itchy wig, which I save for Church and then immediately take off when I get home. Why ever do I do this?
I find that I can endure a false fringe if I pad it with tissue under the base of it to stop itchiness and that fits under the scarf and keeps in place.
I think this arrangement suits my personality better too as I feel more artistic when wearing a bandana. I can colour co ordinate my clothes and ring the changes.
I asked myself recently, "Why do I feel I have to wear a wig anyway?"
The answer seems to be because other people think its more normal to wear one.
I have come to the conclusion that next time someone remarks about it again, I will say,"OK then, YOU wear it!"
I am really enjoying the prospect of not having to have any more chemo for the next 3 months. I think that is why I have got over the after effects of my last one so quickly, because I don't want to waste any of this time feeling ill.
I have a CT scan booked for the second week in May. This is for staging purposes and I have been assured by Oncology that they are not expecting to find anything bad on the next scan. After the three months are up, I will have another CT scan. I might allow my self to be worried about that one....... but not yet. I am enjoying my newfound freedom too much.
However...... I am not going to get too obsessed by hair..... just in case I have to have more chemo some time in the future.