Monday 12 October 2009

The Sixty Fifth Birthday

I was recently invited, along with my family to a sixty fifth birthday meal in a lovely pub/restaurant not too far away. It was good to all get together and laugh and joke as well as catch up on all the news and eat good food that we hadn't had to prepare ourselves. Notice I am not mentioning drinks here?

Well it wasn't long before I heard even noisier laughing and noticed Eddie Bluelights was there!
I told you I'd had a bad day. (Didn't I?) Was it an illusion or not? Could it really be him? Photos started snapping all around me and I could do nothing to stop these bloggers from taking my picture. Full frontal as well. I had thought of suing them, but whats the use.

Photos copyright: Maggie May

Presents were opened and out plopped a black tee shirt that someone's son had bought for the Birthday Boy. This is the front of it.

And this is the back of it. Don't you think it was an ideal present to give to a blogger who can't keep away from his computer for one minute? Eddie's wife hates the thought of anyone encouraging this hobby. She much preferred the words on the back of the tee shirt and seemed to be most unimpressed with the front, as she thinks that she is flogging a dead horse with her complaints. I think Harry had great empathy with her about that too. Maybe they should get together and leave the bloggers in peace. Only joking, if she is reading this!

We soon all started to laugh the place down for some reason. Hard not to when the Birthday Boy is such a comedian.


Eddie Bluelights said...

Don't let the press know!!

Hilary said...

Too late, Eddie.. the story leaked! Blogging life just keeps handing over these fine surprises. :)

Thumbelina said...

Aaah the cat is out of the bag now!
The daily rags and paparazzi are on their way!lol

Glad you had such a great time.

Ayak said...

Sounds like you all had a great time. Love the t-shirt!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Can't resist leaving a comment!!! What a delightful revelation!! Two of my favorite bloggers...and now we make the connection!!! Glad you had such a wonderful time!! Love the T-shirt!!! I'm going off-line this some medical hurdles, but I'll be back to see you as soon as I am up and running again!! ~Janine XO

What About The Girl? said...

Oh Maggie May, this is a nice way to greet someone a happy birthday!

I'm sure you had a great time!

Helena said...

lol....what a brilliant tee-shirt! I love apt pressies, although I need to put a face on for the typical ones!

Akelamalu said...

I just read all about the fun at Eddie's! LOL

SandyCarlson said...

What a fun time. I love the shirt. Front and back. Great stuff.

Mimi said...

I'm now trying to figure out whether you two already knew each other or met through blogging. Not that it's any of my business, just interested. I love Eddie's site too!
That T-shirt is amazing.
Thanks for your comment over at mine- re aroma, I did a post on how scent can bring you back in time in September- here's the thingy if you're interested-

Gotta go wish someone Happy Birthday!!!

Maggie May said...

Mimi...... I've known Eddie Bluelights since he was born! He he!

What About The Girl? said...

Eddie is your baby brother! Ha!
How cool is that? :-)

Anonymous said...

Maggie, I SO wish I could have joined you all! LOOOOVE the shirt. The spouses of us bloggers are probably slightly mystified by our cyber lives :).

Jackie said...

What a great photograph of Eddie...handsome lad.
The genes must run in the family!!
Love the revelation!

Mickle in NZ said...

Super Stuff, dearest Maggie, am sure you'll keep dear Eddie Bluelights in his place.

Both the Maggie, Husband and Eddie's presence ensure that dear Sam behaves.

Looks like you all had a super fun time. Happy Birthday, dear Eddie.

Just you look after our Maggie, do you hear??? Mickle will be checking!

Rose said...

Looks like you had a great time, Maggie May--love the T-shirt! I ventured over to Eddie's but couldn't leave a comment because I'm using the wrong browser...but did see your photo:)

Eddie Bluelights said...

I have always looked after my big sister!! he! he! Looks as though I'll have to continue otherwise Mickie in NZ will be after my blood!! and others! HELP! ~ Eddie

Anonymous said...

I love the way these little snippets find there way to the blog. Happy birthday Eddie, now stop messing around and get back to work-you have a waiting public.

Eddie Bluelights said...

Ok Moanie and whilst we are on the subject of family, kindly ask F,F&F to stop waving her arms so wildly, she almost knocked me out a while ago - sorry Maggie we are taslking on holy ground - I'll take my shoes off! Oh on second thoughts! LOL

Irene said...

I've tried to figure out which one is you in the picture, Maggie, but I'm not sure. I suppose it will remain an unknown factor to me. What a shame!

Suburbia said...

OK Maggie, which one were you in Eddies photo then?!!! ;)

Mimi said...

Yes, Maggie, which one were you? Or did you take the photo?
I'm off to Willow Manor Ball, so there! Nip over and I'll tell you all about it, if I don't meet you there!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Now why can't I ever be out somewhere and run into Eddie Bluelights, or YOU for that matter? Am I just going to the wrong places?
Glad you all had such a great time!!

Hey, I wonder if there's a support group for spouses left behind by blogging?

Nessa said...

i bet it was a real blast.

Anonymous said...

Bet that was a hoot. Sounds like a good night out to me.

CJ xx

San said...

That shirt would suit many of us in Blogland.

Maggie, I enjoyed this lively post. CHEERS!

Sandi McBride said...

I'll have to pop over and wish himself a happy! Blogger Hell...that would make a good front...and blog this for the back...hey, maybe we could form a business...I see hope for us yet!

Jackie said...

Mr. Blue Eyes (aka Eddie) just keeps showing up here! Amazing! So nice to make a new friend in you, Maggie May.
Hugs and love,

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Sounds like you all had a good time Maggie. The T shirt idea was great. A x

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Happy birthday Eddie. Sounds like you had a great time Maggie and the t-shirt is terririfc. I had no idea you guys knew each other! What great fun that must be.

Rosaria Williams said...

How lovely to see all these connections!

RNSANE said...

How hysterical! Are you sure this wasn't planned? Or was this pub the BEST in your area so that there was no way you wouldn't have picked another? I think it was karma that you two celebrated such momentous events together!!

Happy 65th, by the way. I just celebrated mine in Rome...a bit of a long way to go from San Francisco!