Photos Copyright: Maggie May
It is recognised globally, that the British are known for talking about the weather. Maybe it is to do with the fact that our climate is so variable that there is much to talk about. Its never the same from one day to the next and when I used to work in the school playground, I took a waterproof jacket, hat, scarf and gloves, as well as sunglasses and sun hat. That just about covered anything that our climate could throw at me.
I took some of these photos last week when we had a wonderfully warm, sunny day. Then just as I was about to post the photos, it changed back to Winter again and everything seemed very wet and drab and dreary.
However, today we are experiencing warm sunshine again.

The first two pictures were taken on one of my walks and I couldn't resist taking a photo of the cherry blossom flowers and the forsythia.
So far, I haven't been challenged about taking photos of other peoples' plants but I often wonder if that will happen one day.

This is from a corner that I have in my own garden of Pulmonaria. I am very fond of these little flowers that are among the first to appear after snowdrops and crocus. They hang their little heads, making it impossible for someone like me to get down low enough to take a photo of the underneath. I might never get up again if I was to lie down for a better view.

I have several tubs of miniature daffodils quite near to the house and these do bring cheer as I can look at them through the window if the weather isn't good.
The same with primulas that seem to withstand some neglect and come up time and time again.

Some of you might be wondering about my health. All I can say is, that I am still waiting for a CT scan and am not in any real pain.
Similarly, you might be wondering what became of the extended family in Japan. News from the grandparents tells that they are all reported safe but some of them may have lost homes.
In Tokyo and all the surrounding towns, the electricity is now rationed by power cuts and there isn't the usual selection of staple foods in the shops.
There is still much concern about the Nuclear problems but the good news is, that a person has been found alive and well in the debris, after eight days of searching.
That makes the rescue service seem well worthwhile, doesn't it?
The flowers are beautiful and I agree you can never be too prepared mother nature has a evil sense of humor.
Spring is about a month off here...I miss the flowers I need to buy some today bring the cheer inside! I hope your Ct comes back good. Continuing to pray for the people in Japan it's so sad and scary. Have a wonderful weekend!
The weather the past couple of days has been just beautiful - I know it's still a bit chilly but the sunshine and bright blue skies are so welcome aren't they? The daffs, crocus and polyanthus are blooming and so colourful - it's wonderful.
I'm keeping everyting crossed for the results of your CT scan Maggie. x
I just love your miniature daffodils, Maggie. I wonder if they would grow here in Nebraska. I await the news of your CT scan.
JP said 'Quick, Annie, come and look'
I dropped the dish cloth and moved outside quickly. He pointed upwards...the sun had finally cleared away the thick sea mist. It lasted all of two minutes. But soon, soon it WILL be warm again.
These lovely flowers cheered me up no end.
Spring often gets off to a back and forth start. Nevertheless, I'm sure glad it is arriving.
I wish for all the best with the CT scan.
Thank you for the photos of the pretty flowers. They bring cheer to my heart. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and that the extended family in Japan is also. There are lots of reasons to worry about what is happening there, but you must take care of yourself well. The weather here is very nice today. We talk about it a lot too. It's as changeable as it is over there.
Oh Maggie I am so happy to know you are enjoying Spring, we are so white here and getting whiter as I type. I cannot imagine anything pushing through our ground for a long time as we still have several feet of snow and more being added.
I am glad you are not in pain Maggie and feeling pretty good. I am praying for you as well as all those beautiful, brave people in Japan. Those people working at the nuclear plants are so amazing and selfless......:-)Hugs
We have the daffodils and forsythia, but not the cherry blossoms quite yet. The ornamental pear trees in town just bloomed out today in clouds of white.
So nice to see your lovely spring flowers! I love those mini daffys. They are my favourite. So faerie-like and cheerful.
Yes, it is awful about Japan, but nice when we can hear good news like the person who survived.
I hope your CT scan news is good. Enjoy spring!
We'er just starting to get a few blooms here. I'm so thankful spring has come.
Your colors are gorgeous, and yes, very springy. Thanks for the update on your extended family members in Japan.
I'm thankful you and your family are doing well, and I pray it will continue so. The flowers are wonderful! So far, all I have found are the snowdrops, but they are a very good sign, and the others will come along. I saw a pair of robins scouting my yard not many days ago, also!
Beautiful cherry blossoms spring is coming...I'm keeping you in my prayers friend.
An Englishman once remarked to me that Kiwi farmers talk about the weather as much as they do at home. It's a constant topic, some are very good at reading the sky to predict it. It's something I'd like to be able to do.
Your flowers are just lovely, I especially love the cherry blossom.
Do hope your scan goes well and that life improves soon for the poor folk in Japan.
I hear you about the problems of lying down on the ground!! Same here...I would be there for a long long time!
Beautiful flower pics...no flowers here of yet! Sigh!
Still freezing temps at night...though I did notice my peach tree starting to get some blossoms. Woot!!!
I am still praying sweetie!!
Be well!
I just adore your photographs --- even the ones you can't lie down for!!! We have a crocus or two bloomed, and scattered buds on the trees. Spring will happen after all!
We are thankful that you have some good news from Japan, and we are praying for your good health, as well.
Take care, my dear...
xoxoxo, cd & jd
Your photos are like a breath of fresh, spring air. We're just beginning to show signs of budding around here... so nice to see your blooms. Thinking best thoughts for you. Keep us posted.
I love the changing seasons and Spring is my favourite; all that new life bursting forth. I hope the same applies to Japan and that they can rebuild what they have lost with hope for the future.
Lovely photos. I was wondering about your health so thank you for mentioning the current state of play. I am still sending lots of positive vibes your way. x
ok glad you are not in pain and that the extended family are as well as can be...the flowers are beautiful...our wether here has been great the last several days...
a delightful harbinger of Spring! And good to know of family safety...
Beautiful photos, Maggie. I love spring and summer flowers and the colour they bring. I send a hat and gloves with Amy every day. You never know what our crazy weather will do one day to the next!
CJ xx
I bet you are SO grateful your son and granddaughters were here not there. Glad all relatives are ok too.
Really hope to hear good news about your health soon, often think about you.
Lovely photos. Spring flowers and colours are my favourite.
I love how Spring flowers are starting to appear on blogs. Obviously, we're all ready for the cheerful colors!
That Pulmonaria flowers - looks almost like a painting!
Sometimes I think your climate is much like what we have here in Pennsylvania -where I live. Nice, sunny, breezy one day and the next -freezing cold, even sleet or snow. But one thing is for sure, your flowers are WAY ahead of ours! My tulips, crocus, daffodils, hyacinth plants have all popped through the flower bed garden in front of my house -little green sprouts sticking up -but thus far, not even close to size to form buds, much less blossums. Probably just as well as one forecaster said something yesterday about a storm that appears to be heading this way in the next 10 days or thereabouts that could bring a whole lot of snow with it -something along the lines of the storm we got about 3 weeks ago when Mother Nature dumped about 10 inches of snow on us here! Love the pictures of those flowers in your end of the world though. Enjoy, Enjoy!
Funny that - I was JUST thinking about you and suddenly you commented over on my blog and here I am over on yours. I was wondering how things were with you health wise and I see I will have to wait right along with you.
Letting you know Maggie - I'm thinking of you.
Maggie, I happened upon you blog by way of Jules. Your Spring flowers are just as pretty as ours here in South Carolina. I love the Pulmonaria. We're still praying for all the people in Japan - glad your extended family are all ok.
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