Photo Copyright: Maggie May
I have now finished my radiation treatment and I am enjoying my first day of freedom from not having to go every day to Oncology.
I've been warned that I might not feel well for up to a month. I must just do what I feel I can but take it easy.
That sounds good to me.
There is sunshine and warmth and a pretty garden to sit in and many books to read.
If only there weren't so many spiders about.
They are everywhere right now and whatever I try to do outside, I seem to brush my face against a web.
Isn't that the most awful experience? Maybe you like that feeling?
I love the way webs shine in the sun... Enjoy the good weather.
enjoy your garden ♥ and just bring a little broom for the webs
Ewww I don't like spiders at all, but they are harmless, just creepy! I'm sure you're happy that the radiation is over. Enjoy sitting in the garden and relax.... give your body time to recover. I can recommend a great book to keep you busy.... The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, I have just finished it, loved it.
I'm happy you are done with your treatment I hope this series goes easy on you but does the job. I hate walking into spider webs...freaks me out!! Enjoy the sunshine and rest.
saw some really cool webs this morning laced with dew. enjoy you breath of fresh air today!
Lovely time of year in the garden, enjoy your freedom! Good to hear from you. I have a determined little spider that covers my mail box each day. I usually clean it off but not always but the mailman still leaves the mail.
I don't mind spiders or webs, but wouldn't seek them out either, and would not like the feeling of one brushing on my face.
Hope you're having the Indian Summer that we are, yesterday was the hottest day of the year!! Imagine!
A bit of garden time sounds food for the soul, enjoy!
Glad to hear you have finished your treatment, I hope you don't feel too bad in the next few weeks.
Enjoy your garden and reading, especially in this lovely weather.
I know what you mean about the spider webs I walked into about four today! :0
I noticed the increase in spiders when I was in England last week and wondered why there are now so many. I agree..walking into a spiders web is awful.
So glad the radiation is finished now Maggie. Take it easy. xxx
Super congrats on finishing the treatment. You have my absolute love and care as you spend some time doing just what you want to do.
There are many spiders around my home- I don't mind most of them as they gobble up the insects that want to gobble up my veggies before I get to.
There is a very determined Orb Web making spider that keeps making her webs within my front door frame. When I forget about her presence my head hits her web as I head outside to check the veggies, to empty "his Nibs" kitty litter, hang out or check on the laundry drying on the line and see the garden wilderness.
I'm such a softie that I even hate upsetting this spider's beautiful orb webs so duck my head down going out whenever I remember!
Every once in a while, when I walk the dog, I almost walk into a spider who's spun his web across the sidewalk. It's usually a big fat one too. There are many spiders on the patio, so I don't go there. Only the dog and the cat go out there now. Brrr...
Glad the treatment is over. Now just sit back and take your time and enjoy yourself(ves). Will ring soon for a get-together.
Spiders are not pat=rticularly my friends either. They always spin webs in places where we don't want them, like in rotary washing lines and where we want to paint a wall etc. But nice photo. Eddie x
There is definitely a 'glut' of spiders! I have loads in my garden too, some really fat ones, and I have pushed loads out of the house recently.
Glad you have time to rest in the warm weather. Even gladder that your treatment is over.
So glad to know you're done with oncology. Don't let spiders keep you out of the sunshine. Brush them off and take up your place in the universe.
Absolutely i am very happy with this beautiful post! Have a delightful evening and fun Friday!
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I'm with you! Hate spider webs in the face! But your garden is SO pretty, you need to spend as much time in it as is humanly possible, so send those spiders packing!
So glad that you're finished with the treatments...we pray that you stay well, now.
Thanks for checking in on me...this is the first time I've been able to comment here for a long time. Glad Blogger fixed the silly problem!
xoxoxo, cd
Yes, that definitely sounds like the right therapy to me, too! so pleased you've got through the radiation. You can now sit back and enjoy the last gasp of this beautiful weather.
CJ xx
Just caught up with your past posts. I'm glad you are done with radiation and hope being outdoors is healing.
We have lots of spiders right now, too, Maggie. I don't know enough biology or zoology or whatever to know what causes this, but it must be natural, because I always notice more of them in the fall. But spiders have never bothered me too much--as long as they don't crawl on me:) Though I'm not fond of getting caught in sticky webs.
Good news that you've finished your treatments--hooray! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the lovely weather. You've earned the right to just take it easy for awhile.
So good to hear that the radiation treatments are now done for you as it's such a drag on one's system just having to go do something like that, day after day until you've reached their limit. When I had radiation, I felt fine all through the six weeks of treatments Monday thru Friday and wasn't ill, per se, after they ended but was feeling pretty wrung out, tired and that kind of achy for about a month after they were finished. The relief though of not having to leave the house every day was the definite "pick-me-up" thing for me!
I hate the feeling of spider webs in my face - it happens quite often, unfortunately.
Hope the next month goes well for you.
Take care,
Peter x
The weather has been gorgeous - but true to form today, our day off it rained - yesterday when we had to drive re Jon's business it was glorious sunshine!
Although you probably don't feel great right now, it must be a good feeling to be done with treatments.
Spider season is just starting here in OR, and I'm trying to have a good attitude. I KNOW they're "more afraid of you than you are of them" which is what I was always told as a child. But still.
Take care of yourself.
I'm so glad to hear the treatment is over and I hope you are feeling a bit better as each day passes. You are a real inspiration. x
As for spiders - can't stand them!
I love spiders and I love their webs, especially when there has been a heavy dew and they glisten in the morning sun, but I actually did walk right into one at face level the other day and although I know I got it all off of my face, I kept getting that creepy feeling all day long...
Hope you're feeling well maggie. I hate the feeling of a web in my face, i'm always sure the spider is in my hair! x
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