Friday 25 July 2014

Glorious Purple

Photo copyright: Maggie May

We've been experiencing the hottest summer for years. It is really lovely to be able to dry all the washing so quickly and always be warm. Only occasionally has the atmosphere been oppressive with storms or the nights too hot to sleep. 
Everything in the garden has done really well this year including this clematis. I wish I knew it's name. There are hundreds of different varieties so will probably never be able to identify it.
Maybe some one else might know?

Photo copyright Maggie May


dianefaith said...

The clematis is beautiful and lucky you that it's right there where you are. Here in the SE USA we're having unusual amounts of rain and can't keep up with our lawn-mowing.

Hilary said...

I had no idea there were so many different kinds of clematis. I just know that they're beautiful. And yours sure is thriving under your care. Lovely.

Rethink Street said...

I have no idea but I do know they look beautiful!

Suburbia said...

It is really beautiful :-)

Gosia said...

Wow nice flowers And I like hot summer.

Gosia said...

Wow nice flowers And I like hot summer.

Gosia said...

Wow nice flowers And I like hot summer.

Rose said...

There are so many types of clematis, it's hard to tell, but a very vigorous purple one in our country is 'Jackmanii.' You see it everywhere over here, and for good reason--it is a fast-grower and covered in masses of blooms. We planted one just this spring in the nursing home garden where I volunteer, and it has already reached the top of a tall fence! I can't complain about the weather here either--enough rainfall all season to really make the garden grow!

Wisewebwoman said...

One of my very favourite colours.

Thanks for the photos.


Jackie said...

How beautiful, Maggie. I have two favorite colors: purple and red. These blossoms are absolutely gorgeous!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Love clematis plants - garden looks beautiful.

Weather very hot - too much so really ~ love Eddie x

cheshire wife said...

As you say there are hundreds of varieties of clematis and yours look slightly different to mine, but there is something special about purple.

Mimi said...

Hi Maggie, your clematis is beautiful, so many blooms. I could never get mine to thrive, so cut it out of my garden.
I'm hoping to get back to blogging soon! Commenting on a few is a start!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

You are obviously experiencing the same weather as we are Maggie. It has been wonderful to have a proper summer and I am determined not to complain about feeling exhausted from the intense heat. An electric fan in the bedroom has helped me at night. Beautiful clematis, sorry can't help with the name. A x

Shammickite said...

That is such an intense purple, gorgeous. I've never tried growing clematis, maybe next year! Cool, cloudy and dampish here in S Ontario this summer, and I'm not complaining, as I hate the very HOT humid weather we usually experience in July.