Wednesday 11 March 2015

From a Sunny Bench

Photo Copyright: Maggie May

One really sunny day, last week, I decided to walk through the local park and weave my way round all the paths, eventually sitting down on a handy bench in the sun. It was good to feel the warmth on my face and it wasn't long before I started to watch the people around me.
The park had been planted up with spring bulbs under the trees and it was good to see swathes of colours brightening up the rather muddy bits of the park. Later on, during the spring and summer, there are usually areas of wild flowers randomly sown, as well as more formal rose beds, that are now devoid of leaves because they've been heavily pruned.

There were a good few people walking their dogs and most of them were let off their leads for a good romp round. They obviously loved to scamper about and looked really exuberant, which was good to see. Most of the owners were extremely responsible and threw an object out onto more open grassy areas and it was interesting to watch the way these pets went about retrieving the balls or sticks and some times toys. Some dogs ran out into the far distance, picked up the ball and brought it back to the waiting owner. Obviously this was a wonderful way of exercising a dog without having to walk very far. Some animals picked up the ball and then dropped it again, turning round and going back to the owner without it. It was their way of saying, "I've found it, now go and pick it up for me again." The obedient owners did just that.
Some of the dogs while off the lead, did walk through the flowers but I noticed they were walking quite daintily through them causing the minimum of damage.
However, I was a bit gobsmacked by a few owners who let their dogs off the lead and threw a ball right through the flowers and rose beds letting their animal trample the plants down as they focused on the ball. One or two of these owners appeared not to even notice the flowers and threw the ball into them over and over again.
There were plenty of grassed over wide open places where they could have thrown a ball.

The more responsible owners could be seen carrying little bags of dog mess ready to dispose of in the bins provided.  However, some were so busy talking and had their backs to the dogs making it impossible to see whether they'd made a mess or not. Judging by the little droppings that have to be watched out for when walking on the grass, this is a regular occurrence. 
It is a great pity that a few have to spoil it for the rest of the responsible citizens who use the park. 
Maybe I should have taken my book and then I wouldn't have noticed any of it. 
I am an animal lover and think dogs should be allowed off their leads under supervision but I like to see flowers and well kept grass too. A compromise is called for as well as good sense, don't you think?


Rose said...

I'm glad you had such a lovely outing! I totally agree about the dogs--if you are a pet owner, you need to be responsible. I'm afraid I don't take Sophie for a walk off our property nearly enough, but when I do, I always take bags to clean up any messes. She likes to explore my own flowerbeds, but she's actually pretty dainty about traipsing through them, and I'm surprised that she rarely does any damage to anything. But I wouldn't dream of letting her romp through anyone else's garden!

Celia said...

Most people are considerate I find but there are always a few stinkers in the bunch. Lovely flowers.

Eddie Bluelights said...

Great that you could get out and enjoy the sunny weather (when we had it!!)
Yes most dog owners are responsible but it is always the few selfish ones who spoil things for everybody else.
Like the photo very much . . . Eddie xx

Gosia said...

In your corner of the world is spring and the same is in Poland

Mimi said...

You hit the nail on the head, as usual Maggie! Why do the careless, irresponsible few have to ruin it for everyone else?
I was thinking exactly the same yesterday when out for my walk, I came across several "bundles" of dog poo on the footpath. Those selfish few dog owners ruin the environment for the rest of us by leaving their disgusting mess.
Delighted you're able to enjoy your park!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that view of the spring flowers is gorgeous!

What a shame that a few irresponsible dog owners spoil it for others.

Suldog said...

I think taking the irresponsible ones and rubbing their noses in it might prove effective.

Wisewebwoman said...

I've even handed bags to irresponsible dog owners and they walk away without acknowledging me or my effort. Spoilers are spoilers - sub-humans I like to call them.

I'm so glad you got out and enjoyed the spring colours. Still waiting out here.


Shammickite said...

I have a couple of doggie doo bags in all my coat pockets and I don't even have a dog!! No, I don't go round picking up other people's dog mess, but sometimes i think it's needed, the amount of abandoned poop out there. I take Tessa my grand-doodle out for walks and she always embarrasses me in full view of passing motorists, hence the doggie doo bags.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

What fun to spend a warm Spring day in the park. At the local park I will play fetch with my dog in the fenced-in tennis court because I don't trust her not to take off (she is a hunter and if she sees something to hunt then off she goes). She will fetch the ball a couple of times and bring it back and then looses interest. And I try to be a good pet owner by always carrying plastic bags to pick up after her if she takes a dump. Little kids play at the park and I would be very angry as a parent to have my child come home with dog doodoo on the shoes.

Suburbia said...

Compromise is always a good idea!

Akelamalu said...

Irresponsible dog owners really wind me up! It's lovely seeing all the spring flowers coming up now, we got our first daffodil opened in our garden this week. :)

Rethink Street said...

Yes this is all well-said. I like to let my dog off the lead but only on the nearby field which is just wild grass and hedgerows and there is nothing to damage. I would be stressed if he was able to trample on flowerbeds as, for some reason, he likes to poo in plants!

Secret Agent Woman said...

That sounds lovely. And I absolutely agree about irresponsible dog owners. So frustrating.

Hilary said...

I love the crocus display. It's soothing to eyes that are still seeing a lot of snow.

I agree that there are a few dog owners who really don't care. They frustrate me to no end. All it takes is one misstep and your day is ruined.

Working Mum said...

Irrepsonsible dog owners are a constant source of letters in our local paper, so I guess it's a problem all over. What a shame.

Pauline said...

I've rejoined as a follower as somehow or other you have dropped off my feed. You're right, it's always the thoughtless few who spoil things for the rest of us. Good to see you are as cheerful as ever.

Dimple said...

Hi Maggie,
I've been away a long time; I'm glad to see you're still blogging! The sun and warmth are especially enjoyable this time of year, for everyone and his (or her) dog! It is too bad that not everyone is as considerate of others as is expected, though.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

It's not only dogs who are badly behaved. A few years ago my mum and I were wandering in Cockington, Torquay, and admiring the daffodils when we saw a young boy knocking the heads off them. His family shouted and swore at us when we politely asked them to make him stop. Some people!

Glenda said...

Hi Maggie,
I just had one of my blog posts pop up on Facebook in one of those TimeHop memories. This one was from 4 years ago today and you made a comment that got me wondering how you're doing now. You were going for some tests at the time. Hoping that you are in good health these day! I don't blog much anymore since I've now written two published books and working on my third! This was the blog you commented on:

Gail said...

Hope you are faring better today and had some good rest.

Thanks for coming by to visit.