Photo Copyright: Maggie May
When I was forced to give up work last month, through ill health, the team at the After School Club gave me a gift voucher that could be used at any Garden Centre. I can remember at the time I received it (very ungratefully, looking back) thinking that I wished I had the stamina and the energy to even do gardening.
However, on one of my daughter's recent visits, she took me to a very large garden centre that I seldom get to, these days.
It was one of those garden centres that sells many other things....... crafts, books, gadgets to name but a few, as well as thousands of indoor and outdoor plants and things to do with gardening. There were also small pets, but although I enjoyed looking at all the rabbits and equipment, I left that department hurriedly.

I decided on a gadget to help people to be able to weed and do gardening on their knees. There are huge handles on the sides of this low stool so that I can lever myself up. It means I can now get up without great discomfort.

If its turned the other way, it is a sturdy garden seat.
And when it is not being used at all, it folds down flat.
This little stool has given me a new lease of life.
I have also used it to do things like washing the kitchen/ bathroom floor.
It seems to have been the perfect gift, so I am really grateful to the after School Club.

That was a great idea - lovely to be able to continue gardening. Life takes on a different perspective in the garden. xx
Maggie, this is a great gift...for anyone. I love this!! Thank you for sharing photos of it.
Hugs all around for you, my friend.
That's a great gadget Maggie, I could do with one of those myself. :)
Yes, quite the handy tool. I believe my mom has one. I think I could use one.
Love the photo of the fuscia plant that leads this post. Such an interesting blossom.
Great choiced, Maggie. Mrs Bluelights bought one for similar reasons and she too finds it a great comfort and excellent tool. Thinking of you and hope the treatment is benefiting you in a noticeable way. Love ~ Eddie
I'm praying for you, Maggie.
I find that gardening is a great pick-me-up. I could be out there all day.
I can't believe that you still mop your own bathroom and kitchen floors. Don't you have help by now? You should, you know.
That's a great idea - I think I'd get some use out of one.
Perfect choice.....:-)Hugs
I love tools that make tasks easier...especially in order to provide more enjoyment.
Splendid choice.
What nifty device. I love that you can flip it between a kneeling platform and a seat. It sounds ideal. Yay for the after school program!
What a wonderful gift! So glad you found something you can really use.
What a great idea! I love multi-use gadgets like this.
Glad you feel you have a new lease on life, Maggie. Getting on your knees at our age is not as easy as it used to be. I have the need cushions, just the part in the middle of the seat you show here, the cushions. I use them inside and outside and hubby uses them when he is working outside too. His knees are worse than my knees are. I am so glad you are able to garden and get up and down easier too.
My dad bought one of these garden seats/kneelers a few years ago, and he's still gardening at 86! I've been thinking about getting one myself, especially since my knees are not what they used to be. I have no trouble getting down, but getting back up is another story:) Glad you're able to enjoy a little gardening again.
I have one of these too and it is a Godsend for sure!
Glad you are enjoying yours!
I think I may know that garden centre Maggie and was there recently. Hope you enjoy your gift, in more ways than you expected too. A x
What a super gadget, I'm going to get one, I can get down, can't get up! I'm sure the After School Club misses you and you them. Hope you think fond thoughts whenever you use your new gadget. Hugs to you, Maggie.
That's an amazing little gadget. Thankfully I don't need one yet, but I'll certainly keep it in mind just in case! And perhaps I'll need it sooner than I anticipate, as I can get down easily but it gets harder and harder to get back up!
That is a very nice thing to have. I would have never thought of using it indoors. I hope you are feeling stronger.
I'm glad you found such a useful device, and that you will be able to do more in the garden (and around the house) because of it.
What a wonderful gadget! Someone was really thinking practically when they came up with that. It's even nicer because it works for both kneeling at your work and to sit, as well. I haven't gardened in so long, I wouldn't have even thought of it. Even my prayers are seldom done on my knees. I hope God understands.
Boy, I sure could have used that this summer for picking beans in my garden! Also, just thought how useful something like that would be when I have to go to the cemetery to plant stuff and have no one to go with me. I end up almost rolling on the ground, trying to get back up on my feet again so I always tell my son he needs to go there with me to help me get back on my feet. Actually, I need him to dig up the soil so I can get down and plant but still, a little thing like this would sure help a lot!
Looks fab :)
that is a really cool gift...and it gives you a greater gift as well which is to get up and down easier allowing you to garden if you like...very nice...
I absolutely love it Miss Maggie. I am so glad you could get something that would help you in so many areas. I am sorry you had to leave that job. I know you loved it. You are in my prayers.
I do so love your honesty Maggie, it is so refreshing. I'm glad that now some months have passed you have put your gift vouchers to good use. I do find you and your take on life very inspirational. x
What a perfect gift! I'd love one of those. Will look for it later on. I thought you'd be posting about buying that lovely fushcia; the one in your first pic. It's so pretty and one of my favourites.
Happy gardening. I know you will use your new stool a lot. How nice that you have such a thoughtful and sensitive daughter (she was the one who took you to that garden center). Not to mention the gift voucher from the School Club.
That's a cool gadget. Good thinkin'! My heart is with you.
I didn't realise you had finished work altogether, I am sorry.
That's a great gadget tho', can I share!!!
(Were you at Cadbury? I love going there to look at rabbits!)
That was an inspiration gift, and no mistake. :)
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