Photo Copyright Maggie May
I expect you will all be pleased to hear that my mood has lifted! Thank God for that, you might be mumbling.
The reason why? Well yesterday I went to Oncology for my review concerning the fact it had been a month since my last radiation treatment.
I was given a thorough overhaul and was able to tell the consultant (who had arranged the radiation in the first place) that I was aching and not feeling as well as I should be.
He told me that it will be two more months before he would even consider me anything like normal and he said I was being really hard on myself. He felt I was doing fine. I will be having a scan in the New Year.
The consultant told me he would not have put me through so radical a treatment unless I had a very good chance of being free of the problem for a good while.
So I have to believe that.
I felt like hugging him and came out skipping. I am off all pain relief now and am thinking of getting twin beds so that I can get a decent nights sleep with out getting clumped in the back by a restless husband.
Harry starts chemo 9 tomorrow and his consultant is also very happy with him. Looks like we might both feel well for Christmas and fingers crossed...... it seems that my son's house move is on the cards soon.
In one of my posts I wrote that I was reading The Clan of The Cave Bears and that it would do for my winter reading. There are six books in the series. On the whole most people who commented on my post, enjoyed at least the first few books. Some said that they stopped reading them because there was explicit sex in the content and human sacrifice. Well, there is explecit sex content but only in the way that people living then might have experienced it. That was only part of the story and not meant to be pornographic in anyway. Far from it. So far I haven't come across human sacrifice though a bear did get killed in this way. I don't enjoy reading about animals getting killed but this story is meant to have happened 35,000 years before the present civilisation and I think considering, the people are depicted as very civilised and could teach us a thing or two.
I like the storyline and that is why I'm reading the series.
Anyway, I was extremely pleased that my blogging pal, Jinksy, sent me the Mammoth Hunters straight away and is parceling the rest up to be posted soon. So my winter reading is well catered for. Thank you Jinksy.
Thank you Guineapig mum for your kind offer to send the books, but I didn't have your email address and your blog was closed and unavailable.
My daughter is coming for a few days with my grandsons, so I am going to be busy enjoying their company this weekend.
Thank you so much to every one who has written kind things and helped me to feel cared for. You never cease to amaze me the way you are all so lovely and allow me to rant or get depressed, without either avoiding my blog or telling me to snap out of it.
That is true friend ship ....... in the bloggiest kind of way.

I am so happy to hear that your skies are looking clearer. Don't be hard on yourself. As someone that has been in the trenches of treatment for over four years you just have to listen to your body and let it tell you what is okay. I am so grateful to you Maggie for all the kind words you have said over the last year. You are wonderful!
Good stuff Maggie - yes getting in the mood for Christmas eh????
Really pleased that your mood has lifted and that you have had posiive news...and for Harry too. Don't ever worry that we'll disappear from your blog if your mood is low...this is the place where you can rant as much as you like because we care about you and are happy to listen.
Enjoy the time with your grandchildren. Much love xxx
Such good news! And I value how you have shared with such honesty, I think you have a lot of courage and I'm looking forward to hearing about your Christmas plans too.
Ah, Maggie...I am pleased that your news is the uplifting kind!
We will never abandon you, my dear, no matter what!
xoxoxo, cd
Other than the fact that you mentioned Christmas way too early, this was a great post to read. Glad you're feeling better and the outlook is brighter.
I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling more positive, Maggie. You're such an inspiration.
So glad to hear you're feeling better and the consultant is pleased with how you're doing, and Harry of course.
Sorry I've not been around much. x
Love that pile of stones - so lovely. And what wonderful news to hear you are both doing well.
Hurray!!!! x
Wonderful! I hope so much that all will be well.
I can't think of a human that got eaten in any of Auel's books. So nice that you are enjoying them. I did, the whole series.
Pleased to hear that you are feeling better and that Harry is also doing well. Enjoy the visit of your grandchildren.
This is wonderful news. I think we often are way too hard on ourselves. You are an inspiration because of your spirit, you determination, your transparency, and the hope you give others.
Do what it takes to get a good night's rest. Happy reading.
You will love the series! You know that that published a new one just recently, which I've not read yet.
Glad to know that you're off radiation therapy and things should be getting easier for you.
i am glad of your news..a.nd your hope...i never read those...now i need to put them on the list...
What a great report. I am happy that your consultant gave you the information that put your mind at rest. What a relief, my friend.
And....to know that you are going to be seeing your grandsons....well, that is medicinal in itself. Medicine of the BEST kind, Maggie. Gets lots and lots of shugggar....and I know that you will. Hugs and love to you.
I'm glad you came out of your deep dip, Maggie. I think the words of that consultant were just what you needed to hear. At least he knew what of he spoke. He's someone who put you in touch with reality. He could do that much better than any of us could.
I'm glad also that you are enjoying the books. It's so nice when you stumble upon a series that you like. It's good to follow your own instincts about them and not to be swayed too much about what other people say.
I'm happy to hear that your son will probably be living close to you soon. Keep us informed about that.
Yeah, Maggie, you are doing the happy dance. I am dancing with you. Great that you are feeling better and your spirits are better. You have been through so much, I know you just want to have it over so you can sing again and do things you want to do. Christmas is a reasonable and joyful goal.
I'm thrilled for you Maggie. But don't go overdoing it now, give your body a chance to heal, won't you?
Lol at "in the bloggiest way". So pleased to see you in good form again, but will still read, sympathise and be your friend if you want to rant or just be real about how hard this journey is.
Oh Maggie - I am thrilled that you no longer need pain meds!! And happy for your good report. Let's cross fingers and toes so that you and Hubby can enjoy your upcoming visit with the grands (and Christmas which will be here before we know it).
I also felt overwhelmed with awe and gratefulness at how my blogging buddies (you are one of them) would encourage me throughout David's long illness and his passing. It's such a wonderful and supportive community, this blogging world of ours.
Keep well,
Oh Maggie! Now that was really good news to read coming from you! Maybe the radiologist was right to tell you that you are being too hard on yourself, expecting more too quickly, etc. Relax now and take life easy for a bit as just not having to ingest the pain meds is a big deal to be freed from, isn't it? BTW -you asked about the black walnuts I wrote about in my last post and I'd only ever heard about black walnuts, seen some in the stores packaged more as snack-type things and they were quite pricey compared to other walnuts available. It's my understanding that black walnuts have a bit different flavor to 'em and are good for use in baking and decorative trim on frostings and such but, after reading a bit about how to get into the nut to get the meats out, I really can understand why Black Walnuts are so much more expensive! I'd love to be able to figure out a way to get them open and process them to be usable, but just have no idea right now how on earth I can manage to do that. So, they very well may end up being dumped!
Well your positivity really came through this posting, so glad you felt better after being to see your specialist.
I have a scare at the moment... a lump on my arm has turned funny and an urgent appointment has been made for me at the hospital next week 'to exclude serious illness' the letter said. I hadn't been thinking about cancer particularly, but since the doctor mentioned it, and getting this letter, it's on my mind. But I too, am trying to stay positive and talk it into being something benign and not to worry about.
Enjoy your weekend... the other Maggie
Oh yay Maggie that is good news! I hope the holiday season for both you and Harry is a joyous one. Have a wonderful visit with your daughter and grandkids. xo
I'm so happy to hear your news that I could cartwheel around the living room (except I can't), but I want to! I want to hug the consultant too. :)
Such wonderful news to hear you feeling chipper, long may it continue. But none of mind if you need to rant or vent or offload all of us need to sometimes!
Hope the house move goes smoothly and quickly :) it such excting news for you
Sorry I have been incognito lately. I've been up to the eyes decorating/revmaping/building etc. Just come up for air!!
Great news and feedback from the specialist. You are doing very well. Hope Harry is OK as well.
Love ~ Eddie x
I am glad things are going well. I hope they stay that way and that you feel better as the year draws to a close. You are awesome!
I am glad things are going well. I hope they stay that way and that you feel better as the year draws to a close. You are awesome!
Glad you have more of a spring in your step! Hope your recovery is even more speedier than suggested by the Doc, but glad you also know you are heading in the right direction. Have a great time with the grands!
Oh Maggie I am so happy for you. This is great news, praying Harry's chemo goes well. Enjoy your daughter and grandsons my friend, keeping you in my prayers and sending big hugs.....:-)
I'm so happy for all your good news, Maggie! It's understandable to be feeling miserable, both physically and emotionally, after all that you have been through. You're a braver soul than I, and your fighting spirit is always an inspiration. Now you can curl up with those books and enjoy some happy times with your family!
Fab health new Maggie, really happy for you both :-)
Oh, I am so happy to hear that! I hope you both can enjoy the holidays.
Good news Maggie. And I'm sure you will enjoy the books. I read them years ago and you've just reminded me that have one that I bought yonks ago and still haven't read. I'll go and get it out right now.
This is such a positive post, Maggie. So pleased to hear you're doing well. You have such a lot to look forward to.
CJ xx
It is always nice to hear good news and yours is the best, Maggie. I am, as always, too far behind. The house is nearly packed up so I am racing off to get to work.
Maybe when I finally get to India
( the 19th ), I'll be a better blogging friend.
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