No, not dance. I'm not quite up to dancing. However, today I decided to give my singing group a try and a friend, who also wanted to go back to it, went with me. It was good to get back to it but we are right behind, having missed a whole term, so we have to learn eight songs that we didn't know. We didn't realise that we'd chosen the last day of term to go back. So we were given a CD to learn over the holidays in order to catch up. So that worked out very well.
The book in the picture above, was given to me to read from an old boxful of things to be thrown away. At first, I thought it was a children's book but although the cover looks a bit that way, it is for adults judging by what I have read so far.
Actually, it is a set of two books and there are another two similar ones to carry on the story, making that six books altogether. I don't normally go in for long sagas but this first book that I am nowhere near a quarter of the way through, has captured my mind and I can see that this will be my winter reading matter. I will have to get the other books too.
Has anyone else read them and if so did you like them?

Winter reading - what a good idea! I am just getting prepared for the winter which rumour has it is knocking on the door! "We're out!" lol!
I have read these two, Maggie, and part of the next two also, but not the whole series. The story is well told, but definitely not for children. There are some rather detailed accounts of sexual encounters and a scene which includes ritual cannibalism. I didn't finish the series because of this material.
Dimple.......Oh dear........ those bits not so good!
Never mind........ I can take those things or leave them! Skip a chapter or two.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Good plan, I read the first two books of the series and I enjoyed them. Never read the rest, didn't even know there were four more ;-)
How wonderful you are singing again and have a friend to start in with once more. Good for you.
I haven't read the full series but I have the first three and really enjoyed them Maggie, good choice for winter reading.
So happy you are back singing, I so love and appreciate your attitude. My best to all your family dear friend, big hugs....:-)
Sing on, Maggie!!
I love to get into a good book...and winter reading sounds wonderful. I haven't read these.
Sending you warm hugs from Georgia (USA)
I've read all of them. The sexual encounters are graphic, but not in any way kinky. The 'ritual cannibalism' is, for me, not a big deal - it is a very primitive tribe that is described and waht I recall them eating is mostly a hand raised cave bear. I have read worse in Rosemary Sutcliffe's books.
As far as I can tell, Ault's research has been thorough. I enjoyed the series. The worst thing I can say about it is that it is somewhat repetitious.
I'm so pleased you are singing. It's the best pastime in the world and really lifts your spirits when you are down. Enjoy!
L really enjoyed these. She's got a relatively new one out which I haven't read yet. Waiting for the paperback. If you want some more, I'll send them to you.
I'm glad you're sending up joyous notes to the heavens again. Singing is good for the soul. I haven't read those books but have heard of them. They have quite a following and are popular. You're in good company. XOX
I've heard that the books in that series are good. I think I read a couple about 20 years ago, but my memory is hazy...
I'm sure you'll catch up to your singing group in no time, Maggie. I started "Clan of the Cave Bear" a long time ago, but couldn't really get into it, maybe because that was a much busier time in my life. But I have friends who have read the whole series and absolutely loved them. This will be a great way to spend those cold winter evenings.
Glad you are singing again - heard on the readio last week singing is VERY good for us and our welbeing. So maybe that's my excuse foir singing in the shower. "Shut up Eddie!"
No have not seen or read these books but happy Winter reading. Luv Eddie
I read the first two of them, a million years ago. In late high school, I believe, so it was when I was an older teenager. I thought they were reasonably good. I do remember some explicit scenes, but I think that was the sort of thing I skimmed over back then!
I read Clan of the Cave Bear a good many years ago -don't recall when exactly and I was unsure whether I would like it or not but I enjoyed it very much. Seems to me I read something else by her too but can't recollect a name at the moment. And as to the singing -Go forth and make a joyful noise! I used to have a very good, strong alto voice but any more, I'm never sure where in blazes my voice is going to land! LOL I think at times about going back to singing in our church choir but then think my voice is too unstable now so maybe I'm better off to be one of the voices in the general congregation! I'm sure you and your friend will be quite thankful you made that decision though. Another adage here -Music soothes the savage beast -pretty true words, don't 'cha think?
What a nice post, Maggie. I am so pleased that you are feeling up to returning to singing. I know you will learn the new songs. I have not heard of the book series. I will look into it. I bet our library has them.
I've read all of them, Maggie, and only the last one wouldn't get my vote, as it seemed to contain more references to earlier volumes than it did of a new, up to date story. But I'd still recommend them as a good read. The research she put into them must have been phenomenal. Don't buy any more - just email me your address, and I'll post you the ones you don't have!
Pen x
Enjoy your reading, my friend. You are beautiful.
Just checking in...hope all is well and thinking of you!
Keep a note in your heart for me!
xoxoxo, cd
Ancient/primitive times not being my thing I couldn't get into her work. I think she is Canadian but I could be wrong.
Winter reading, love the term though I try and keep it up all year!
Hi Maggie ~
After a long hiatus I am returning to visit all of my blog friends. I loved reading this post...singing is good for the soul. I can't carry a tune but I love to sing ! I have read some of the books in this series a long time ago ~ and I remember getting lost in them ~ which is a good sign. Happy winter reading ! Take care.
Maggie I am so glad to hear you feel well enough to go singing again - such a lovely thing to do; if I could hold a tune even remotley I would too but for the good of mankind I only sing in my car!
I'm going to start some winter reading now all my swotting is out of the way, and once I've caught up on a few more outstanding crafty things too of course!
I thought the first books -- Cave Bear -- was mesmerizing and Valley of Horses was OK, definitely NOT children's books) but the series went dramatically downhill from there -- it began to read to me too much like a "romance novel" and I did not finish the third book. Music is one of those things we can enjoy "for-ev-er" which is why it is so upsetting that music is one of the first thing schools cut when thee is a budget crunch.
I am so glad you are singing! Singing lifts the spirit!! You will catch up in no time, I'm sure.
I also read the first two books and loved them. However, I felt that the third was just a repetition of the first ones, so did not finish it.
Keep warm and cozy this winter.
No. Am in need of a good book. Am about to finish The Help by Kathryn Sockett - have loved it and it is soon to be out as a film, xx
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