Photo copyright: Maggie May
I was so surprised when one of the teachers from the school where I work came quite unexpectedly to visit me last week. She had planted this lovely stone tub with narcissi and hyacinths herself and she stayed to chat for a good while.
It was her own present to me and nothing at all to do with the school. I was so delighted with it and the tub is on the patio outside and I will be able to really enjoy it from the back room where I sit.
Wasn't that kind?
It is good to see the sun although it is very cold here. I have all sorts of jobs lined up for when I get stronger.
The sunshine seems to give out strength.
Hope many of you ae enjoying sunshine too.
It is going to smell like heaven in a very short while. Lovely gift and one you quite deserve.
The sun is just sneaking over the horizon here - we're having a string of bright days. And the snow is melting, hurrah.
You've been having such a tough time Maggie. I am happy you have kindness around you and you are right the sun has wonderful, healing energy that I am sure will lift you.
Those are brave flowers, poking their heads up already! Hope the sun continues to shine on you and them. Love, Pen x
Maggie...her kindness abounds. The flowers are and will be soooo pretty...and the flowering pot (tub) is very nice too. Great to have her stop by and chat and share some sunshine with you. Continue to take care of you and know that you are being prayed for every single day.
Yes it was kind, and it's a beautiful tub too.
CJ xx
What a thoughtful gift!
The sun is a welcome change isn't it Maggie, though I agree with you it's still very cold.
Still thinking about you and sending Reiki. x
Just the thing to cheer you up a bit.
What a thoughtful gift Maggie. Hope you are beginning to feel a little better after the last round of chemo.
Much Love
Linda x
Oh Maggie! I love the smell of those flowers! How wonderful for her to do that.
People can touch us in so many ways can't they?
Positives x 4 on this beautiful sunny day no matter what the temp is outside.
It gives you a lift having an unexpected gift like that. It shows people are thinking of you.
Love surprise visit and gifts ~ heartwarming and just the perfect pick-me-up! The sun has been out here for three days in a row ~ still breezy but so refreshing. Today I have opened up my windows to let the stale air of winter out and to welcome the refreshing new air ~ sending warm thoughts your way!
What an absolutely PERFECT and thoughtful gift!!! And not only a testimony to the thoughtfulness of your friend, but also to YOU!! You are so beloved, and there is a reason for that, dear Maggie!! You are a genuine, loving and kind person...and I pray it all comes back to you in a hundredfold abundance!!! And I will think of you drinking in love and sunshine...and pray that it is so for you this week!!! Love, Janine XO
I have been visiting blogs and I stopped here. I saw the lovely flower and read your post. It was kind of her to visit and leave you with this sweet gift.
It is a lovely gift, so thoughtful.
We are having some lovely sunny days but it is still so cold. Brrr. Keep warm Maggie. A x
A very kind gesture - lovely!
How lovely! And I am majorly impressed by that teacher; things move so fast in school that it takes a lot of effort to remember to do something for those who are off sick. You must be a special lady to prompt her to do that!
How sweet of her. Potted flowers and plants always cheer me!
Isn't it a lovely thing when somebody drops by with an unexpected gift? How nice!
How very beautiful your gift is, Maggie.
I am holding up during my three week sojourn in Georgia, caring for my 86-year-old mother who had a heart attack and stroke and is now in a nursing home in the Atlanta area near my brother. It's been a rough time for me but we all seem to be going through difficulties, don't we? My blogging community has been so supportive!
Hope you are doing well!
Sweet and kind, just like you!
Hope you're beginning to feel a little better, Maggie.
Just after I wrote about Spring signs, we got a cold spell this Monday. Snow in the mountains and valleys is expected to create havoc. Ouch.
Wishing you much more sunshine, flowers and strength.
The sun is indeed a healer! Enjoy its warmth.
What a wonderful present. How thoughtful of the teacher, even more meaningful that she planted it up herself.
We are having sunshine here, but like you it's cold at times, especially in the wind.
I'm off to see what I can do in the garden shortly. Not sure where to start.
That is a lovely gift and soon it will bloom.
That was a very thoughtful gift you got and that teacher deserves a hug. I bet you can't wait to get in the garden. I hope you feel well enough soon to do some work there, if the weather gets better and spring really gets here. I know how you love your garden and your flowers. I can't wait to se what pops up from that pot you got. Will you take a picture when it blooms?
Ooo you'll have such a heavenly scent to remember that teacher by. Enjoy it, Maggie.
It is very special to receive a gift that has been made by the giver, who must think a lot of you and rightly so! I hope that the sun is working its' magic for you.
The hyacinths will add such sweet scent. Enjoy.
Oh Maggie - how nice! They are beautiful. What a thoughtful person she is. I love spring flowers - they do cheer one up.
Oh, I agree with you wholeheartedly - the sun does give you strength. And energy. And good feelings. Soak it up. It's healing too!
What a wonderful and thoughful gift. You can enjoy the beauty of the flowers and their scents.
Your springtime is definately coming, in more ways than one. Much love and care,
Michelle xxxx
That is wonderful! The world is filled with these thoughtful people and you seem to be surrounded by some of the best.
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