Photo copyright: Maggie May
Once again it is time for me to have a little break from you all while chemo 4 takes its toll.
I went to oncology this morning, early and had to wait till nearly lunch time to get the results of my blood count before I could start with the drip. The white cells have picked up but my liver needs to be checked out at the doctors next week because the levels of something or other are a bit high. They say this does happen as time goes on with chemo and should right itself.
I just want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have been praying for me while I have been having treatment and I know that I am being greatly helped by prayer while I find it really hard to pray for myself (except of course to say thank you.) Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed by what is happening to me that I feel I wouldn't really know where to start.
I am so grateful for everyone who has been sending positive thoughts my way. You may never know just how much.
I hope I will feel like commenting again really soon. I wonder what this session will bring?Each one seems a bit different.
Always know there are many supporters out here cheering you on!
You take your time Maggie and look after yourself, we'll all be here when you feel up to it again.
Sending positive thoughts and Reiki light to you. x
Maggie - time out, you need it when your system is processing such strong chemicals. It is hard to think of you going through this but prayers are being said for you so you are very much in our daily thoughts. All the best dear lady and may this time out give you the resources you need to get through this session on an even keel. X
Good luck with this latest session Maggie, and know we are all thinking of you.
Much love
Linda x
Good luck and Positives x 3 this time around as well Maggie.
You know you are in my thoughts every single day.
I'm thinking good thoughts for you, Maggie, and sending out lots of positive vibes. Take your time healing from this chemotherapy session. It's tough on you. Be good for yourself and remember, we always think about you every day.
Thinking of you Maggie and continuing to pray that all goes well. Look forward to hearing from you again before too long. Love and hugs. A x
Good decision Maggie. Take care of yourself.
Take care sis - Love Eddie x
Maggie I wish I was your neighbor and could offer support but since I'm not you our always in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl.
Take care, take time and comment when you can.
Much love and prayers sent your way, wrapped up in a HUGE hug.
yay, the treatments have started again to rid your body of cancer, you are doing great Maggie and I always keep you and your family in my heart and prayers......:-) Hugs
Brave lady.
So glad you could go through with the 4th one after all.
Think of you often and wishing good things for you. Hang on in there.
S x
here l am cheering for you Maggie....!!!! (hug)
you are such a star!!!
saz x
Just keep on going, Maggie. One step at a time. One treatment at a time. You'll get through. You are strong. And yes, I do know what it feels like to have blogger friends sending positive support. It's very powerful.
Sending you lots and lots of positive energy, hugs, and well, how about a bunch of chocolate? That's good for everything!
Dearest Maggie- Sending you my best wishes for round 4. I will continue to pray for you, each day, you can be sure of that. Just take it one day at a time. I wish that I lived near you, too! And I thank you so much for your kind comment, at my place, and for your prayers. Blessings and hugs, Marguerite
Cheering for you, Maggie. You take good care.
You are loved!
Thinking of you, sending love and light your way.. xx
Hope you hope through the side effects soon... Still sending you lots of positive and warm thoughts.
So wishing I could do more but please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. Take the time you need to heal and recover. Thinking of you...
Take care, Maggie May!
Praying for comfort and an easy go of it! Take good care of yourself!
Hi Maggi, just seen you have posted about your 4th session (on my dashboard page) but can't find the newest post on your blog.
Hope all is ok?
Love is a powerful force Maggie dear. And it coming your way from all corners of the world. Do what you have to do and come back to us when you are ready. XXX
I will post it in a few days.
Don't have chemo brain this time. Just tired and itching all over and a rash! Yuk!
Nuts in May
Well done for getting to chemo 4, Maggie. I'm sure your determination will help you to beat the cancer. Thinking of you often and wishing you a complete recovery very soon.
Hope it's not too difficult a week Maggie x
Thinking of you, always.
Support always readily available. Take care.
CJ xx
My sincere pleasure to be able to ask The Lord for help in your favor. And it will work, and you will pull through all of this. Have faith!
I love the bridge...and that's what chemo is...a bridge to your new life...life after cancer diagnosis...and in my prayers, life AFTER cancer...Love you so very, very much!!! You know. ~Janine XO
I love the picture of the bridge.
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