Photo copyright: Maggie May
Since I wrote my last post, the weather has turned much warmer and this coincided with an energy surge in me. Over the last two days, I was able to get out in the garden and prune things back, tidy the debris from the winter winds and do some jobs in the house that I normally would have done before, if I had felt able to.
In England we have Mother's Day completely out of sync with the rest of the world. It is really Mothering Sunday and was to do with the Church originally and it still is, though most people call it Mother's Day.
After we went to church in the morning, my son and granddaughters called round with cards and a present. My daughter had already sent hers in the post.
The day was lovely and sunny and pleasant.
I am so relieved not to be shivering and to be feeling stronger again on this special day.
The tub of narcissi and hyacinths that I received from the teacher last week is responding to the sunshine and the bulbs are opening up.
I have seen two wrens eying up the little pouches underneath the kitchen roof over hang. I hope they decide to nest there. I believe that they build three different nests and the female selects just one. I bet my husband is glad he isn't a wren. Having to provide one home was difficult enough.
The fox who visits our garden has very bad mange. It is pitiful to see the scabs completely covering his back. He looks so ill. One day when I was itching all over and tearing at my skin to the point of injuring myself due to chemo 4, the fox flopped under a shrub in the garden and tried to sleep in the watery sun. However, he was tearing at himself the whole time and had no peace from the irritation. I thought that we had something very much in common, except I don't have mange.
Lets hope that this change in the weather is here to stay.
I'm glad your feeling stronger and able to go out in the garden and enjoy the start of the bulbs and flowers starting to bloom. I love the photo, it gives me hope that the snow really will go away here, and the green grass and flowers will return.
Happy Mother's Day to you! Your family is blessed to have such a wonderful mother, but they know that.
Enjoy your day, and I hope you continue to feel stronger with each passing day.
Keeping you close to my heart and in my prayers.
So glad to hear you are feeling well enough to enjoy Mothers Day, and that you've also been able to get out in the garden to do some pottering. Stay strong Maggie.
Linda x
Happy Mother's Day....I am so happy you are feeling stronger and able to enjoy being outside. The garden is a perfect place. Stay well my dear friend....:-) Hugs
Here's a little, old poem that my high school math/science teacher wrote on the blackboard one day and I've never forgotten it -unlike the math and science stuff he supposedly taught me.
Spring is sprung,
The grass is riz
I wonder where the flowers is.
And now we know where the flowers is -they're on display at Maggie May's place!
Happy Mothers Day to you, my friend and thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers. Nice upbeat way for me to greet my day here.
I'm glad you're feeling so much better, Maggie, and that the weather has improved so much. Happy mothering day.
Is there anything that can be done about the fox? it is so sad that it should suffer so.
Big hugs!
Hi Maggie, glad to know you are feeling stronger today, sorry I haven't been around. My aunt has just got word that the oncology folk don't need to see her for six months, such a relief. I hope the spring brings joy and health to you, and just wish all God's blessings for you and your family. Dottie xx
Oh, the idea of a sick fox, and you sick too. Yet, you're feeling better each day, brightened by routines and smiley faces. Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mothers Day Maggie! I hope the sun stays too. Flowers are beautiful!
Yay! You're obviously feeling stronger. That's wonderful!
Your fox story is really sad. People have no idea what terrible pain these animals are in when they have mange. And people argue against cruelty to animals when nature is far crueler.
Positives x 4 my dear friend.
Good to hear you're feeling stronger Maggie.
The weather has been just beautiful the last few days hasn't it? Still a nip in the air the the sunshine makes you feel so much better. :)
Happy Mother's Day to you.
Mothering Sunday is a much nicer term than "Mother's Day" which is always a Hallmark celebration. There is also Father's Day here (I presume no Fathering Sunday in England?)
Bask in your special day and in the warm weather. Glad you are feeling stronger.
It is such a special day in many ways. I had my mother in law here overnight and she is just so appreciative of the fussing she gets on such a day. It is bittersweet for me as my own mother is gone but at least I can make sure my MIL enjoys the day.
Glad you are feeling stronger and yes these last few brighter days have been a joy. X
How sad to think fox get mange and they can't get treatment!!! It must really be dreadful for wild creatures!
How lovely that you are feeling stronger and better all the time. Nothing like warm sun and new flowers to brighten one's spirit. I hope you continue to do well as you are very special to all of us!
Dearest, dearest, Maggie...I do so hope that the itching is getting less...not more...and that all the pains are beginning to subside!!! And I'm so delighted for you that Spring is arriving...and that you are able to soak up some warmth!!! You have been in my thoughts much this week...and in fact, when I had a checkup I told my nurses and lab technicians about you...so you see, I have been thinking of and praying for you especially this week...I am so glad that your family showered you with love and appreciation!!! You are such a courageous and special lady...and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more! Love you! Janine XO
Maggie, glad you're "on the up" again. Just don't overdo it now!
And Happy Mother's Day!
It is good to read such an upbeat post; I can tell you feel better just from the way you write.
Mother's Day is my favorite day of the year, but we observe it in May. I think it's selfish of me to like it so much, but I do nevertheless!
Lovely flowers!
Maggie, Glad you are feeling better and had a lovely day. I keep asking my husband why we have a raggedy hedge surrounding our B&B...he has finally revealed that he is loath to cut it as there about 15 species of different birds in there. So now we must make a feature of it! :) Hxx
So pleased to hear that you're feeling stronger. I hope this just keeps getting better for you from here on in. I'm sorry about the itchies though. That must be incredibly uncomfortable. For you and our foxy friend.
I love the photo it reminds us that spring is finally in the air ... I hope lol. Stay strong xx
I'm glad the sun shone on you for Mothering Sunday, and that some flowers have said hello recently as well as a mangy fox! LOL :)
God couldnot be everywhere, therefore he made mothers. Hope your Mother's day was filled with love and happiness. Stay strong and hold on to God's unchanging hands.
Glad you had a good day Maggie and hope the itching stops soon!
OH! How lovely that you have your Mothering Day when it was something you could really use for a cheer-up! Yay!
Our weather is also improving Maggie - temperatures beginning to rise at last. Pleased to hear you are getting some strength back. A x
Happy Mother's Day to you. It sounds like you had a nice day with family and flowers. Your spring flowers look pretty in their tub.
Poor fox. I don't know much about mange - is it curable?
Glad you're feeling better. Working in the garden is nurturing to the soul.
I hope the fox doesn't pass on the infestation to domestic pets. Mange is a terrible disease and can only be cured in the early stages.
Thank goodness you were able to get out and enjoy your garden. A long awaited weather improvement goes a long way to making us feel better. Hope your Mothers Day was good.
I am pleased to read that you are feeling better and were able to enjoy Mother's Day. I am hoping that the sun continues to shine for you.
This is good to hear. Spring is such a wonderful time of year.
Maggie...I learned about your "Mothering Day" / "Mother's Day" from a mutual blogging friend. Ours (USA) is on a different day...but I would be remiss to not wish you a belated Happy Mother's Day.
I'm glad that you were out and about today...and hope that you feel better each day. You know that I'm thinking of you.
Love to you, Maggie....
Just being able to get outside in the watery sunshine is good for ones soul.... spring is almost here Maggie, hang in there....
Maybe the manky fox is in your life for a reason :)... someone to share itching times with..
know you are loved.....
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