Photos copyright: Maggie May
This thing arrived in a little box the other week. What ever is it? A guinea pig perhaps? A new little member of the family?
No....... it is my new wig! I went to the orthotics department in the hospital for a fitting and was surprised to be taken to a tiny room lined with hundreds of little boxes. I knew I was going to be flummoxed about what to choose, so I took my longstanding friend with me who just happens to be a hairdresser.
I had thought of myself as grey and asked to see a wig in that colour. I tried on a light grey one with thick curls. What a mess....... I looked twenty years older. I was told by the very kind lady, called Audrey, who was in charge, that my hair was really quite dark with light grey smatterings on top. Funny how we don't realise what we look like to other people.
It was suggested that I try on a chestnut thick haired, short, wavy wig. Well I felt a bit like mutton dressed as lamb. Definitely not me. I tried a thick, wavy, short wig that was half grey and half brunette. I don't mean that the top half was one colour and the bottom was something else. No I mean that the brown was interspersed with grey. Although my friend and Audrey both inferred that this was me........ I was not impressed and thought, "If I have to take this wig, I will never wear it."
I then asked to see some that would quite obviously be unsuitable for me. Maybe that would persuade me to like one of the others. A really wild brown one was then passed over for me to try. It made me look as though I had been pulled through a hedge backwards and I knew if I took this one, I would be forever feeling that I needed a trim as it was really untidy and stuck out everywhere.
I was now feeling really despondent and guessed that I would never wear a wig, ever. Until Audrey produced this one. The wrong colour and in a style that I hadn't thought of.
Putting it on, I guessed it would be more suitable for a very young person. Then voila....... Audrey said my face lifted. She knew it was meant for me. I looked at my friend, thinking she would say, "Ridiculous." However, she really liked it.
I had always wanted thick curls and had always been lumbered with fine straight hair. Well best to stick to what I am used to and I felt straight was more me.
When I got home, I put the wig on and the oldest grandchild didn't notice, however the youngest one broke out into a smile, but said nothing. Husband said, "Oh that's nice" and son said, "I was expecting you to get something outrageous but I see you didn't."
Well this colour is outrageous for me........
Now I have to find the nerve to wear it. I think I will save it for best. In any case, I will wait for the natural hair to fall out as the wig will grip better, I was informed.
This post was put in draft before chemotherapy. I know that my hair will fall out anytime now.
I am wearing scarves because I don't want it to happen in public!
A few days ago my brother, Eddie and Maria his wife came to see me and asked to see the wig. I put it on for the duration of the time they were here. Maria seemed to really like it. However, my daughter said she liked me better with a scarf. I don't feel particularly confident in the wig. We shall have to see.....
Happy New Year Everyone!